Been blessed again with a good spot to watch the blood moon. Actually, same balcony, but to the side/corner this time. Enjoyed the first one around October last year like I was (the only one) having a dinner date with God.
For 2 nights now I've been enjoying the moon's beauty. The first night, I saw someone looking up, and he looked captivated, so I also looked up, and was as taken captive. A huge ring of light surrounded the full moon. Stars radiated around it, with a clear night sky. So beautiful! I saw so many beautiful photographic angles for the moon with nature I was always gasping for breath. It was a perfect time to be out.
Last night (photo above), after midnight, I pulled myself out of bed to see the blood moon/lunar eclipse,and slept outside. God used the sky to give me clarity on His mission for me for this season, and focused my vision, understanding the bigger perspectives. Encouraging me to be stable-minded and persevere. I also repented for false beliefs exposed. It was all experiential so too long/hard to explain. But I love how He used the sky lights and darkness to explain wisdom to me. I remembered scriptures too as it happened. Maybe I just worked it out myself, but I'm thankful for God's creation being like chess pieces giving me clearer imagery.
Thankful and full of worship.
"Moreover, the light of the moon will be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun will be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day when the Lord binds up the brokenness of his people, and heals the wounds inflicted by his blow."
(Isaiah 30:26 ESV)
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