Thursday, 16 April 2015

Hearing From God

I've been hearing God all my life. Or at least since I was a child. I thought it was just the way I processed information. Having a conversation with my conscience/self silently, similar to people whom talk to themselves out loud as they problem-solved.

I don't hear an audible voice. God comes to my mind as a thought. Like a spark of wisdom! Ingenuity! Encourager. Positive. Life-giving. Correcting. Gut instinct.

At all times, I had a choice whether to accept the information, or not. Simple....

I rambled to my roommate about how I hesitate constantly following what I believe are God's commands, in an effort to make sure it is really God I am hearing and not my own judgment/thoughts/wishes. I don't want to look stupid or hypocritical or critical, so I drag my feet and stumble around, digging first for wisdom and truth and confirmation and discernment. I shared with her amazing testimonies where God showed me it was Him, but I was tired most times from over-analysing. I admitted my desire for witness/es or others also hearing the same messages (as I shared in last week's update). In my mind others could give my experiences accountability, consistency, credibility, and prevents fabrication. So our prayers included quick obedience to very clear directions, and for others to confirm.

I got ready to spend a long quiet time alone. I was in the bathroom, not even a minute, when a clear thought came to my mind again! Not related to anything I was thinking or doing. I don't even think I was thinking at the time. I was very surprised and exclaimed, "Oh no! Not again!". My roommate heard me. I stepped out quickly, she asked me what was wrong. I said I got another message and I gotta go out of the room and process it.

The message was simply go to the balcony and go/speak to the person there.

In immediate obedience, with very little information, unsure and feeling hesitant, but completely trusting in the Lord that commanded and guided, I set out.

I was shocked to see a lone female sitting there, next to the glass window/wall. I took a minute to calm my nerves, pray and process by heading to the banister. Then I walked back towards her, said hello, and asked how she was. Long story shortened and to keep her privacy - I admitted how I ended up there; she admitted she was struggling and she prayed for a friend. Then I showed up!!!

Teary-eyed as we shared our stories. God gave encouraging lessons. God answered prayers and provided. Simple.

I went back to my roommate and shared what just occurred.

So amazing! I am in awe and worship.

Breaking down my hesitation.

So much to learn.

More willing to walk with humbled confidence.

More confident to respond with immediate obedience.

"...Show me the way I should go, for to you I have entrust my life."
Psalm 143:8b NIV

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