Close friends are noticing I am losing weight, aware and unaware of what's on my plate, pun intended. The upsize is (I'm full of puns today eh? I'll have more below....) everyone wants to treat me out to encourage me to eat!! FREE FOOD!! Thank you *grinning shyly*.... :-)
We're doing the book of John again in church, and I love it. I'm reading other parts of the Bible, but John has been a great reminder and equipping for a lot of what I am doing and reflecting on lately.
Yesterday the topic was Jesus being the Bread of Life - John 6:22-58. So much kneaded into those verses!! Three to four services are needed to tackle them properly methinks. But the pastor did well condensing it for the congregation. If you want to hear the audio recording, let me know.
I'm gonna share a taster of how two verses spoke to me. It spoke to me in many ways, but I will share only one (or two) of those thoughts for now. They were after Jesus fed five thousand with five small barley loaves and two small fish, etcetera. People were desperately looking for Jesus, captivated by the miracle... or magic (depending on how you view this).
Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, you are looking for me, not because you saw the signs I performed but because you ate the loaves and had your fill. Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. For on him God the Father has placed his seal of approval.” (John 6:26, 27 NIV)
... We are such needy, needy, needy people. It's normal to gravitate towards anything that we decided meets those needs - foods, sex, drugs, hugs, alcohol, cigarettes, narcotics, magic, gambling, chocolates, possessions, companionship, exercises, pornography, material things.
Fulfilling? Or band-aid "fillers"??? Healing? Or Destructive?? Temporary fixes? Or permanent solutions?
Are you really, truly, honestly, completely... SATISFIED??
I love some of those I listed above that meets my physical and/or emotional needs, especially my "love tank fillers" that strengthens me, but they do always empty out. We fill up, give out or consume in, empty, and the cycle continues. We crave and reach for these familiars regardless of whether they have negative or positive impacts. It is alright if they are good for us and others, but worrying if not.
We stay in that cycle, instead of searching for a permanent "fill".
That's what some of those people in the verses above were doing. Looking of temporary fixes. Jesus knew. He told them not to do it. It wasn't the kind of filling and following He was after.
Paraphrased, Jesus said work for food that endures eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. For on him God the Father has placed his seal of approval.
Worship God not for the richness and blessings and spoils and favours He gives you. Worship Him spiritually because you believe him, love him, honour him and want to serve him gladly; regardless of how much "food" he is currently giving you - abundant or lacking.
Live and love the Bread for your soul, not for your belly.
Fulfilling? Or band-aid "fillers"??? Healing? Or Destructive?? Temporary fixes? Or permanent solutions?
Are you really, truly, honestly, completely... SATISFIED??
I love some of those I listed above that meets my physical and/or emotional needs, especially my "love tank fillers" that strengthens me, but they do always empty out. We fill up, give out or consume in, empty, and the cycle continues. We crave and reach for these familiars regardless of whether they have negative or positive impacts. It is alright if they are good for us and others, but worrying if not.
We stay in that cycle, instead of searching for a permanent "fill".
That's what some of those people in the verses above were doing. Looking of temporary fixes. Jesus knew. He told them not to do it. It wasn't the kind of filling and following He was after.
Paraphrased, Jesus said work for food that endures eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. For on him God the Father has placed his seal of approval.
Worship God not for the richness and blessings and spoils and favours He gives you. Worship Him spiritually because you believe him, love him, honour him and want to serve him gladly; regardless of how much "food" he is currently giving you - abundant or lacking.
Live and love the Bread for your soul, not for your belly.
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