Saturday, 29 October 2011

Work, Friends, Family

We don't know what we have until we lose it. Lots of people say this. It can signify regret, or appreciation.

This week marked my one year of being back home and at work. Time flew!! Emotional. Spiritual. Challenges tackled. Goals met. New visions pursued. Relationships renewed or built. I spent most of my time with 3 groups: workmates, friends (including house mates), and family.

I love my work (and 98.99% of my colleagues, hahahah). I always knew I had it good, even before my long walkabout. Most days I was at work, I was thankful, no matter how much I liked/disliked the roles I took on. Truth be told, it wasn't my first choice. Around the same time I was employed, I was on path to do overseas volunteer work (mimimum 2 years contract); at the final selection stage of working as a flight stewardess; applied to work for a bank; my previous job tried to retain me, offering pay increase and to further my education to take over a department; and I also applied to 2 government organisation (Immigration, and Foreign Affairs) where I knew/hoped overseas travel would be part of my role.

I'm still in touch with 2 directors from my previous job, though I declined their generous offers. I ended up not continuing the volunteer work and not pursuing the 2 government jobs. It was a happy compromise as I was/am still doing "community service" (bonus that I was getting paid for it) in the work I accepted, and it was great for my partner at the time who was also becoming successful where he worked. It would have been unfair to make him start over in Canberra where work for him was limited. I did cry though when I didn't get the flight stewardess role, hahahah ugh, coz I was so close, it was a hard-very long process, and the recruiter said I just missed out (they had a ranking system). It wasn't meant to be :-).

I didn't cry when I didn't get the bank job because I only applied to see if I will get it. Still, I loved the feedback from the employer/manager who interviewed me. The recruiter said the manager was really taken by me and he wanted to employ me, but from our conversation he sensed the banking industry (and that position I applied for) will not be the right place for me etc, yet he spoke highly of me and even offered to talk or give recommendations about me to prospective employers. I was told he struggled to make his decision, discussed me with the recruiter at length, and it was the first time she came across a non-employer willing to give a reference for someone who did not work for them. It was good to walk out still smiling after being declined a job offer, hahahah. I didn't get a chance to use him as a referee. I wonder (and hope) if I lived up to what he saw in me then...?

Ten years on (including the years I was away and/or working overseas), a part of me is ready to move on. It felt like a backstep to come back. But to stay on would still be a challenge. My future there was stunted (by my going overseas) but still very promising. I didn't really lose the job, but going away made me appreciate it more. I knew what I had. Without it, my resettlement would have been much much much harder. There were 3 turning points in my life when I could have left. I went through the processes, but I remember all times I placed my future in God's hands. The answers were clear - it will be there waiting for me, (I can/have to) go back. But I am also now feeling ready for something unknown. I feel impatient sometimes, excited to do everything now, but I've learned to allow it to play. So, whether I stay on, or move forward, I am ready. And I will always have fond and heartfelt memories of this workplace, as it played a major role in developing me.

The random people I met, and a lot of times the things they said to me in passing, were all somehow leading to my new direction. I used to freak out a lot, too many coincidences - people from differing beliefs and mindsets and lifestyles, people who didn't know me and just met me - all told me similar messages. They saw it in me, or they felt compelled to mention it, I don't know. Now I just take all in stride. And because I am listening more, I reflect and remember years back I heard the same messages, but although I already liked the ideas then, I pushed them aside as I was busy chasing different dreams/priorities.

Sometimes it gets really confusing, because lots of opportunities are being presented to me. My impatience and zest for life makes me want to just jump in, because I like to do and react, more than talk and think/listen things through, ugh heheheh. But something tells me to hold back, each step has a time and place.

Old friends, including the ones at work. There are so many of them I value. One day, eventually, I will write about them here (though their names likely to be kept private). Again in reflection, I realised many of them were watching over me, taking care of me, and had my best interest in their hearts. Their "love" shown to me in the little/big things they did. And I only truly appreciated them when I became aware that I didn't have them anymore, while I was overseas. I didn't know what I had until I lost them.

We are used to being separated, living in different countries, and not hearing from each other for months/years. It is normal for us. We all absolutely love each other, but we hardly say it and don't show our affection easily. And when we try to express our love for one another, we all react... funnily. "Funny" is the easiest way I can describe us ;-). It was the way we (and my parents) were brought up. Cold-ish, or as one friend loved to say, "British", hahahah! Which I am not by the way, British I mean. I don't know about being cold, eck, heheheh. A lot of families in this world like this, inspirations for a lot of family movies ;-).

We are making more of an effort now. Maybe coz us kids are older, or they also have their own kids now. Maybe coz we can see our parents are getting older. Maybe my brother passing away kicked something in our guts (though to be fair, we made efforts already years before then). Whatever our reasons, I love that it is happening, no/less dramas, lots of love. It is true, blood is thicker than water. I pray we appreciate one another - frequently say, act(!) and show it, before we lose us.... :-).

Thursday, 27 October 2011

Relieved and Thickheaded

Today I found out my supervisor has been trying to take some workload off me and he said I did not want to give it up. Miscommunication, ugh :-). He was right. I did not want to "pass it on" to other members in my team as I knew they had a lot/too much on their plate already. I made up my mind I was going to do as much as I could before I hand it over, with only the report writing part for them to finish. I was also trying to get someone outside my team to take over. He (my boss) said he kept offering to take over and I did not want to let go (because I felt bad giving him work I should be doing). He felt my determination. I took responsibility for the work too heavily. We did not understand each other's intentions.

It was only when I expressed to him that it was impossible for me to finish off all I thought I had to do, plus work on the new project my team was given this week to run for a month, that it all became clear. I was trying to exempt myself from the new project, showing him I only had 9.5 days in the office left. I felt those days were just enough for me to get by and do all that I promised to do. But he needed my help with the new project more - oops! I think coz he was feeling the stress more today as well (we were all very tired) or I was less thick-headed today; he communicated straight to the point or less round-about, in letting me know all he wanted me to do was to write the plan for the work I will be letting go. So easy! At least 5 office days work taken off my load! :-) I was also happy and willing to let go coz I finally understood/found out the other team will work on it completely, because my team will be busy with the added project too. WIN!

I'm so relieved! I literally felt a huge weight off my shoulder, seriously! I'm so thankful! Thankful coz I am no longer as busy as I thought (that's why I am here writing, not researching, hahahah!) and thankful coz I have a good/kind supervisor. Great blessings.

However, I am also reminded.... that I've been told before by two previous relationships (I assume they knew me best) that I do get like this. Sometimes I really don't listen. I go on "fix mode" or "work mode" and I am hard to budge, because I truly believe I am doing the right or best thing. When they told me they were trying to get my attention about something (e.g. another way to do it, slow down, etc), I couldn't recall. Or I remember them explaining it then, but I didn't really understand until that time I did, much later on. A fault in my ways of trying to fix things or do things right. Being too task-focused and solution-oriented.

I really don't know how to tackle this....? Because it happens and I don't realise it. Not everyone I deal with are kind, understanding and confident enough to pull me up on it, and not get tired of doing it (nicely). I don't know when my good intentions become a hindrance, or worse, offensive???!!... I am concerned about it. I want to improve on it, but not losing sleep over it (for now)....

At the moment, I am just enjoying this free time, woohoo!! :-)

Sunday, 23 October 2011


This is my "will not blog" blog.... Because I want to rest. I want to curl up in bed and sleep. My mind is buzzing too fast though, so I am hopeful this exercise will block off my to-do lists and plans and calm me to zzzzzz....

I don't know how my super-human friends do it(!?!). On the surface they seem to be taking care of sooooh soo sooooh much more. They don't complain (much), and get on with "business". I don't necessarily wanna be like them, coz our interests and priorities are not similar. But in general, really, my super-friends, how do you do it, and still seize moments, and enjoy a balanced (love) life!!?? I truly do. I have been functioning on 3-4 hours of sleep and a few catnaps for 2 months now. It does not feel healthy. I'm reminded even God rested for one day/ on the 7th day. He needs me strong and healthy. I need me strong and healthy. He has been giving me endurance, wisdom (hahahah, I initially wrote "wishdom", how accurate, lol!), and strength, to deal with hectic schedules and deadlines. I'm crazy organised. Sometimes so task-focused I am wary of making mistakes (as in neglecting to notice I am chasing the wrong outcomes). So, I am always reminding myself to heel or press my brakes; to assess my intentions; and converse with/listen to God to ensure my actions/decisions are oriented to what/where I feel pushed/pulled. Listening (much more) to God is newer to me. I listened differently in the past. Sometimes most goals are clear, other times not so. But I go off running again in faith and challenge, till the next brake.... :-).

[Note: Lotsa people commented that my expressions about God has changed in my writings - from simple mentions and "hints" years ago to full praising now. Very true :-), and a lot of my current activities are revolving around increasing my relationship with Jesus, letting God draw me close to Him. See previous post, "Spiritual" (kind of)... actually, you won't, coz the one I really mean is still in draft, ugh! So even if I am not explaining/writing them in, please know they are most present in my life. I'm a working progress. :-)]

Most activities I am doing feels necessary - work etc, organising self for trip, family etc, general business etc, visa application, travel medicine appointments, church etc, once per week at least of fitness (used to be minimum 2 sessions), home duties (cooking, cleaning, laundry, food shopping, etc). So many plans have been pushed aside (e.g. doing this instead of doing my tax return, or sleeping).

I think I am doing well prioritising use of my time, but not exemplary. Honestly, blogging is not important. Is writing here now really calming me, or could this moment be better spent?... This week, I also felt ashamed and in despair for not spending quality time with family.

[Note - thoughts side-tracked, again: Thankfully my love tank was filled again this weekend when I cooked an impromptu dinner after work for my sister and mother, when I found out they were close by! I did well, or I was amazed I actually had a good stock of food (this week anyway, lol) as I had no time to shop! I cooked lambchops (thinly sliced) with rosemary and thyme, sweet potatoes, cooked vegetable dish (European style), and spicy beef burger for my mom (when I realised she doesn't like lamb). I also almost whipped a really nice ice cream dessert, but they declined as it was late-ish (after 9pm), and mommy still had a long journey home to do. I smiled later in the night, when I remembered my mom's reaction while she looked at what I prepared and realised I could actually cook a nice feast, hahahah. It was the first time I cooked (a full meal) for her, I think.... FYI, my natural declaration is, "I can't cook", when I should really say, "I don't like to cook/ I get stressed when I cook". My bad.... Lately though, I am less/not stressed. This family dinner, I even 'suggested' to do it, in an effort to spend time with (show love to) my family.]

Back to the topic of RESTING!...

Expert help may be used to free up more of my time, if possible (e.g. give up doing my own simple tax return and pass it back to my accountant; or eat out/take away instead of food shopping, cooking/stressing, cleaning). I believe/like the idea of paying someone else to do chores/tasks others will perform faster, if it means freeing (quality) time to use more wisely. But I'm resisting 'outsourcing' for now (e.g getting laundry service, or calling my accountant), coz for now it feels time-pressure problems could be solved by more multi-tasking, or being more cutthroat in removing non-essential habits (like blogging weekly-ish).

[Third Note, lol: The problem with running myself on "hot" for longer periods; or on half-capacity when my mind is absolutely "fried"; or spreading myself thin, in an effort to make my efficiency/effectiveness last longer, is reduction in quality of my output.... Did I just really describe myself like a business system??! :-) Typical, lol..... Anyway, I don't like this "dear journal" business. Look how convoluted my topics are!?! Yet these last few entries reads too much like such, ugh. And this blog is now tooooo loooong....]

So, I'm gonna use this as a reminder list, if I do not blog "regularly". I really want to blog about role models/mentors; about giving/giver; 2 "love" stories; and polish off to share the 3-5 stories I wrote between July and September.

Now, signing off. Gotta take that needed nap. Deep breaths, winding down.... Hhhhhmmmm :-)))....

....ACK! Then a text message arrived! My friend who is preparing the donated laptops (downloaded programs, bug fixes, etc) is around the corner! Must get up again, get changed, yada-yada.... Not rest. Ugh! ;-)

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Osso Bucco for One

Thank you for all the text messages and emails of encouragement to cook my osso bucco, hahahah! It is now simmering (over 1 hour) and guaranteed to be DELICIOUS! I already know coz it smells WONDERFUL! :-))) Cooking is playful for me. I don't like doing it still, appreciate being cooked for MUCH MORE, but I guess I love it when I do it for FUN.

Tonight I cooked a luxurious traditional osso bucco dish. I am eating it now and it is delicious! Molte bellissimo!

I started inspired to cook for myself, a playful challenge. I finished wishing I am sharing it someone special..... *smiling smugly and smirking here*....

.... Just finished eating it.... What a wonderful meal! Still wishing the other veal osso bucco was eaten by a love one, instead of being placed in a container to eat for lunch at work tomorrow.... *and the smirk returns*....

My train of thought changes.....

.... I've been single since last year. Haven't been on dates, except for those "chance meetings" and "oh, look who's here!" or "I'd like the group to meet each other" settings. I wanted to be left alone. Not closed off, as I allowed suitors or guys to contact me (kind of), but no one caught my attention. Or one of us lost interest, hahahah ugh. I am choosy and picky for those reasons. Not only for my benefit, but also for theirs. (Over?)Protective of my peace of mind, and my heart.... Taking my time ;-).

I love life - single or attached. There's that wish at the back of my mind to have it all - husband, kids, housewife, business/charity/foundation, travel. I am conscious of time passing which shouldn't pressure me (and it doesn't) but it is a fact of life. I know a lot of couples nowadays start a family much later in life. Apparently I still have 10 years hahahah. But would I want to give birth in 10 years? No way! Not even 5 years from now, methinks.... So, if I am no longer single then, we both have to accept the fact that any child/ren we take care of will not come from my womb. Sad, honestly, but true.

I had considered adopting on and off, for more than a decade now. Unfortunately, my lifestyle now would not meet official/legal requirements. But if the situation presented itself, I would gladly change my life to care for a child or children. I also still offer the lifeline to a pregnant woman to keep her child alive - I would care for the mother during pregnancy, and take the responsibility of nurturing the child, regardless of whether I am mommy or auntie, until the biological mother is ready to take over or introduced herself, if so - as long as the woman is saved from taking the option of terminating. It is good that since I made that decision, no woman I know has had the need to consider this...?

Then I get asked, "why don't you marry, or just have a baby? Why not choose from men who want to give you either or both? You can have everything you want now!"... Simple answer is, I am traditional, and romantic. From my womb, the child/ren will be a blessing given from my union with the man I absolutely love and love me as much. Gift from God for me and him. Ego/Pride (of being able to produce a child), curiosity (experiencing being pregnant and giving birth), and impatience (can have it all now) are not strong motivations. Plus I am aware of the fact I may live life single. A tad sad to imagine life without a better half, I would most prefer to experience life with a partner. But if so, I don't think I will be drastically lonely. Imagining it, I am comfortable with it, thankfully not fearful. I have faith in how my life will progress, accepting the unknown. Life is good.

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Everything Is Alright!

I don't know how to talk about what I'm trying to convey, without sounding "trippy".... Though I blog I usually find it difficult to explain things.... There are these strong feelings of... I guess I can call it 'peace' and acceptance... that comes over me, and I am always amazed by it (and grateful). Every so often, I realise I am not afraid. Or the feeling of fear makes me bold and stand firm, but in peace, not to battle. That I know everything is and will be alright.

It's not a new feeling. I think I had it even when I was much younger. I thought it was learned confidence, as I fretted less when I accepted whatever came my way or as I changed situations into (more) positive and better experiences.

I lost a lot of it while I travelled.

I was fine on my own. Wonderful travels, and worthwhile interactions with people with genuine or positive intentions; made me blossom. I always thanked God while I appreciated and loved life. But as I expressed in previous blogs, I was not prepared for the onslaught of "other" people with hidden agendas and evil or wickedness in their character (strong words, judgmental vs accurate, but very close descriptions to what comes to my mind when I think of them).

Ack!... I started writing about the negative experiences/observations and the lessons I learned. But those stories will not be told here. I'm not comfortable, even if only in writing, to describe in detail the people involved in the unsavoury colours I see/saw them as. Because individually, they were really 'only human', still with many good qualities, even well-liked by me and a lot of people (it was those good qualities that lured me in). But as a group, WOW!, they fertilised and supported/encouraged each other's wickedness and evil intents. They reasoned the other was/is worse than them (so they feel closer to being angels, or being lesser evils). Open rebuke and careful reprieve did not faze them, uncaring/indifferent about the pain they caused many people. But I am still hopeful and prayerful that they change/d and not damage/d more people. I haven't forgotten their good/great qualities. I know they can be actively good/better if they consciously decide to be. I can pray for them from far, as it is wisdom to stay away.

I'm glad I did not fall too deeply in their lair, and was not destroyed by it. I value the remnants of the choking fear I feel, when I remember how close I was to being trapped/changed in their company (or by one of them). Straight after the fear, I am reminded how much wiser I am now and how great it is that they are no longer affecting my life. They joy, calm and relief I feel to be free is enormous in comparison!! :-)

Therefore, I know, now, even though this feeling of 'peace' emanates from an unlikely place... that everything is and will be alright!! :-)))

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Little Update About Nothing....

I sooh wanted to write a blog about my mom this week. It was her birthday this week and it was also the week my brother passed away two years ago.

My first blog, written between 2004-2006, was about my mom, titled "Ode To Mom". To this day I regret losing it. I tried to rewrite it, but cannot come up with anything close to it. It was one of my favourite postings. Unfortunately I wrote it within a social profile I was using at the time, and I was asked to delete my account very quickly (in a panic really!) as my partner (then) was getting death threats due to our restaurant business overseas at the time and he did not want a photo of me accessible, for my safety, he said. He also deleted his account. I did not have time to think it and lost about 5 good posts (total of about 20 stories) in a flash!!! I just want a copy of my first post... :-(((.... I asked friends already, but if I missed anyone - if you have a copy of this story, please send it to me, please!!!???!!

This week I was beyond tired. I had so much to do that I was not sleeping until after 3am or getting only 3-4 hours of sleep. I can't recall if I ever fell asleep standing while showering before, and I did it twice this week, ugh, heheheh!! I spent most of daytime Saturday sleeping to recuperate. The next 3 weeks will be similar, ugh. But I can do them all, I already know. Life is physically, spiritually and mentally demanding. But all necessary, for where I feel I am being pushed to go/do, to fall into place :-).

I don't believe in cramming activities into life, to make it significant. I believe more in seizing moments, with good intentions, being honest, caring for others more than self, and enjoying the journeys. Some people are capable of running multiple tasks at the same time, whilst others only one or two at the time. Both are okay. I am more the former, practice allowed me to learn to be good at it, which makes me look energetic or always busy. But I prefer to be the latter. So I try to be mindful of what I prioritise in life, because it is easy to be caught up with all the hype from the activities I tackle, and lose focus of the true reasons (especially intangible reasons) why I am doing them.

For now, trying to juggle work, extracurricular activities, education, church, family and my health/fitness. Temporarily very time demanding. All to prepare for my almost 2 months trip; and, to enable me to go away for that long and not neglect my work and personal life. The rest are life issues, lessons and challenges I'm faced as I allow God to educate and mould me. Lots of balancing acts required. I had to give up my regular Saturday fortnightly routine (which I love doing), and put aside the Sunday self-defense training I was pursuing (which I think I have to learn). So I can have more time for family, rest, and/or my education. People have the impression I have a busy social calendar, but honestly, I see the same people weekly (whom I appreciate very much). I have neglected my other friends, not even attending a lot of special events - sorry :-( - and disappointing good friends I only contacted now when I have been back almost one year :-(.

When I am absolutely tired, I rely on my strong endurance, trying to function as normal as possible, and I expect my brain to be the same. But my mind gets tired, so I am not immune to making mistakes. I also have no control over other issues thrown in. I just try to maintain my wisdom in handling them, even though my tiredness has the ability to make me react emotionally. Thankfully, so far, I have stood strong and not reacted in any way I have regretted afterwards....

In trying to function well with only 3-4 hours of sleep, I have already made 5 costly mistakes with my transport and accommodation bookings for an upcoming trip. Mentally exhausted I kept making the silliest mistakes even newbie travellers would not make, such as booking on wrong dates! An hour ago, was my latest boo-boo, gggrrrr! The only time I could work on them was/is after midnight, like now, when it was already hard for me to concentrate and problem-solve, ugh. Thankfully, I was refunded a part of payments for those bookings, but not all, ugh. The other interpersonal issues I had to deal with at work, I prefer to not waste more time telling them - same same ;-).

On the positive, the Op Christmas Child drive (to fill shoeboxes with gifts) at work received an overwhelming response! It was very touching. Not that I doubted it. I knew my colleagues were generous. I just didn't think people would participate in my campaign so willingly, as so many of them were already doing various good works and donating to various organisations. I received more than double of the number I expected. It created more than double amount of extracurricular work for me too but, it is okay as I am able (and thankful it was endorsed so I'm allowed to take care of it while I am also doing my actual work). I'm hoping to drop the boxes to the collection point this week. Buying more toys and gifts tomorrow, to fill in the spare boxes I have, with money donated.

I also received the donated second-hand laptops sourced from another organisation. I haven't had time to turn it on to check it's condition, but I know they were all reformatted and set up well already. I contacted friends about my idea, and in perfect timing, a friend had them literally dropped on his lap, to give to me (after approval from his bosses of course, heheheh)!

I still cant wait to have time to sit down to write about many topics, one especially, about role models and/or mentors. For now, blabbing only, sorry... :-).