Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Two Angels At Work

I am blessed with a great workplace, surrounded mostly by kind and helpful colleagues. My struggles to find motivation to get out of bed to work were made easier when I reminded myself that at least I love(d) what I do and, that no one was draining me of good vibes. All workplaces has these people, even ours, but thankfully not in my immediate area. Work drain by colleagues are kept minimal. I have a perfect setup, and were it what I was after, a perfect job to keep until retirement.

There are two people at work I will always be most thankful to. I have several close group of friends I have at one point worked with whom made a point of keeping in touch. A handful of them I hang out with outside work. And many more I respect but only have a work relationship with. My two angels are part of the last group.

Angel One takes care of my earthly joys. He drops little gifts on my desk, some very random, others very well meaning. It could be a piece of fruit, a foreign coin, an Easter rabbit chocolate, packets of cup-a-soups, music cd, cake, nibbles, etc. He started around 2004 and I still remember my first gift from him was an orchid from his garden!

Angel One didn't give me stuff all the time. Months have passed when I didn't receive anything. Lately though, the gifts were abundant, maybe to make up for the years I was away. It is his way of reaching out to me. To keep/make a connection as we don't work together. Maybe coz he thinks I need them. I have told him he doesn't need to give me anything, but he seems to like doing it (...the joy of giving, I understand it). He is spoiling me! :-) I love seeing his gifts waiting for me at my desk! I even uncontrollably let out little shrieks of delight and jumps a couple of times, hahahah. I don't take his kindness for granted.

Angel Two takes care of my spiritual health. We used to be part of a Christian group that met weekly at work in 2006/07. It regrouped after I came back, but personal issues disbanded it again.

I don't know how aware of it he is, the marvel of his actions. I don't know if he really understands how much I appreciate him, beyond my words of "thank you". We don't work together. We don't hang out. His gifting is also his way of reaching out to me. Without it, our interactions would have possibly stayed as common courtesies and basic chitchat.

Angel Two has a knack of giving me the right readings, pamphlets and booklets at the right time. Everything he's given me has been spot on - gave me clarity, made me aware, understanding of certain topics, or strength to accept/move forward/trust.

For example, I was/am watching my reactions to "patience". I noticed I have patience towards others, but less to myself. I decided to "chase" my "no plans" plan slowly, followed through with appropriate actions, but reality and my emotions were hard to handle. I wanted to demand a lot from myself - "better, faster, now". I was used to that stress, and thrived in that environment. To suddenly use a different technique, I felt/feel imbalanced or in between gear. Maybe anxiety was/is also trying to make me fall back to normal paths/decisions I knew I was good at. My impatience towards myself and my insecurities (that I am possibly setting myself up to fail) was/is endangering my journey to end up tiresome and unenjoyable.

Then Angel Two came bearing another random gift. A book about patience. I don't discuss my plans to most people at work, only select few. Too personal. Angel Two was not privy to that information. But there he was. Godsent.

Two angels, definitely unaware of the impact their little actions are giving me. In their willingness to reach out to me in friendship, they have given me much more.

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