Thursday, 30 June 2011

Open Rebuke Is Better Than Hidden Love

When we truly care for or love someone, we let them get away with much, to make life comfortable. We are not perfect. We cannot judge. We have to be patient, supportive and understanding. But, when you see the person/group is making bad decisions and choices, repeatedly (or for the first time), we should talk to them. Especially when everyone else is talking about this person's issue amongst each other but not with him/her! Bring up the issue/s even at the risk of offending or putting ourselves in uncomfortable situations.

How we should handle each situation is hard to simplify. It is often delicate to balance when to speak out and when to accept other people's faults and flaws, so as not to judge when we too are imperfect.

I used to just call it "tough love". Now, the verse "Better is open rebuke than hidden love (Proverbs 27:5)" also springs to mind. I was known for being peaceful and patient. A friend recently told me she's known me for more than 10 years and she'd seen me "crack it" only twice. The first time was to my partner at the time - but she wasn't sure if I really did. She just remembered I started talking in a different language which she assumed I did for privacy, heheheh. The second time was towards her, which she knew even at the time she deserved. I do not like it - tough love - however, I had been compelled to practice it on too many occasions.

Open rebuke is better than hidden love. I can be harsh if needed, but in general I prefer to approach gently, as that is how I would like to be handled if I am being corrected :-)....

Time to sleep! Find my peace again, ugh!

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