Friday, 3 February 2012

Monkey Bar Challenge

Several months ago, I registered to participate in a 20kms obstacle course event. I didn't think much of it, as I was busy prepping for travel. I noticed people were more interested in it after I got back. They made me realised I may have been keen, so I would most likely complete the course, but currently in no shape to survive a LOT of the obstacles we would face along the way!!!

The main one for me, which caught my focus, were the "monkey bars". I've never used nor played with these. I only hanged on to them for a few seconds to stretch my back or because I passed by and I could reach the bars. Currently, that is all I could do - hang on to the first bar. No upper body strength to pull/push my own weight through to the next bar. ACK!!

The other obstacles I was sure other participants could help me out. Though heavy, I was also ready to carry a log on my own, if this task was included. But to cross the monkey bars!! I would be on my own!!!! I have less than 60 days to get myself strong and fit enough to "walk" these!! I could see myself falling into the mud pit! Still, I am also challenged to not fall in there, so I am dogged in my determination to cross from above!!! I could almost hear myself growling...! :-)))

I started the strength regime this week. I swam 100 laps last week (again later tonight!), but that was more to improve my cardio. Swimming and carrying weights made my arms and back quite sore. I'm not really happy with the exercises I've been doing though. They don't feel enough - push ups, lats pull downs and eerrr, sitting on the side of a chair then lowering myself down and up while my arms are behind me holding on to the seat. I need to build more strength to use the "weight-thingie" where I stand on my knee and pull myself up, somehow the weights below the seat where my knees rested helping to push me up.... What is that contraption called!!!??! At the moment, I feel stupid on it, it is just pushing me up, no power worthy of mention coming from me to pull my body up.... :-/

I think I need my back to be strong, to pull me up, not just my arms. I have to work on the V (ribs?) on my back more...? I hope I don't end up with big muscles, I don't like them on me. I like my (lean) fats on my body more, having softer arms! I prefer seeing those awesome V muscles on the backs of men, not on me!!??!

What other exercises or weights style/techniques can I do, concentrating on giving me a stronger upper back, to be able to pull myself up????

I will do my best!!!!! :-))))

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