Monday, 20 February 2012

A Quiet Celebration

Finally! This Saturday, the 18th, marked the day I finally had ALL my personal belongings. If you read my earlier post "Mementos", you’d know it took a lot of effort/years, I lost much and I decided this month will be my cut off date. After yesterday’s haul, I accepted the rest as “gone”. I noticed straight away what was missing…. *Shrugging, hands up in the air*, I figured, "Eeehh??!?! They were just stuff... material things".... I mentioned which items only to bestie whom helped move my things. C’est la vie!

I haven’t seen bestie since last year, though we’ve spoken on the phone. So catching up finally in person was cause for celebration on its own :-). I got two great hugs from him – hello and goodbye. Nothing special about the way they were given - very quick hugs, but with love, and safe. While we/he drove we talked about his European trip and future plans with his beloved (she’s wonderful, I’d love a man version of her for me!), and talked about my trip experiences with more details and my future.

I felt released as I sorted through the boxes, and thought, “these are it, all of it”. A feeling of great relief slowly filled me up while I enjoyed the closure. I never liked prolonged drama, so I started feeling so ecstatic I wanted to celebrate. I felt so liberated I could not concentrate on the task of getting rid of more possessions. I ended up laying on top of the chest box, cradled my head with my arm/s, kicked my feet up in the air (leaned on the wall/boxes), and smiled while I listened to random music from my phone radio :-).... VERY HAPPY. Bestie had to pick up beloved from the airport, and most likely she would be tired/jetlagged. So he went back to the storage company an hour later to drop me home, and I commemorated the day alone.

Our talk about Europe and Italian pastas reminded me how much I loved how simply they made their meals. Inspired by an easy recipe bestie mentioned, I cooked it for lunch. It was delicious! One of my best simple meals in fact! I even enjoyed the whole cooking process ;-). I made it even more special when I opened a small bottle of champagne to drink with it! I felt so good and so happy! A perfect way to celebrate my feeling of freedom! :-)

Later that night, I watched a free orchestral (classical music) concert at the park with a friend. They played music inspired by places – Mexico (playful), Aboriginal Australia (breathtaking) and Finland (dreamy). It was a perfect way to end my quiet celebration.

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