Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Most Precious Treasure

[Quick post, coz I'm actually getting ready to go somewhere!! I'm testing changing my routine, where hopefully it will lead to more (quality!?) posts.]

We've all been chasing various things and experiences to improve our lives, to make it more... meaningful... enjoyable... peaceful... exciting... loved... accepted... connected.

Blah blah blah you know what I'm talking about! ;-)

So we treasure those ownership and experiences. We say "mine", "I did it" and "I know" amongst many statements of achievements. And we plan to do more and find more. We (un)consciously create our identity through them. I know I personally cannot wait to explore more of our beautiful world; experience more of other cultures; and be with the man I would spend my life with; and God willing give birth. I am also proud of my work and my current achievements and identity. Those are mine, not achieved alone obviously, but mine nonetheless. I cannot (or will not) pass them on to you. Mine. :-)

It's different when it comes to Jesus. I strongly want to give/share Him with you. He is my biggest lifetime treasure, our Triune God - God the Father, God the son Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of God.

Naturally, because I love you (my friends, family, colleagues), I want to share with you my blessings and gains. I cannot quite enjoy my treasures fully when I know my love ones are denied of them, or do not have them. It is like I am eating the best meals at the dining table with you while you are only eating plain white bread. You may say it is your choice to eat plain bread, but in my head I am thinking "Why!!???". Share God's loving blessings with me! Because I know my treasure is good, I want you to know about it too and share the same experiences. I took great pains in ensuring that what I am sharing with you here now is not bad. As you know of my character and personality (pre-born-again-Christian),  I do not ever want to lead my love ones astray! I never like being a bad influence. I'm very responsible that way, and you my closest connections know this!! So naturally, for me to love all of you is to share with you what's most important to me. It is Jesus.

Even more, for God so love you, he gave you Jesus!!!

When I tell you that I love you, know that what I am telling you fully is that...

"God loves you. Jesus loves you. I love you."

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
- Matthew 6:19-21 -

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.
- John 3:16-17 -


  1. Quote: "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

    Maybe it's indeed the other way around: "For where your heart is, there your treasure will be also."

    By chance that's the reason why some of your friends prefer a simple dish cooked by themselves – instead of a shiny, colourful instant meal.

    Sometimes true love is to love the others for what they are. I guess, that’s exactly the reason why your friends love you – at least that’s why I call you a friend.

    In short: Relax ;-)


  2. Was re-reading this Uli, I'm pretty sure we spoke about this in person. But just in case I/you/we forgot my reply....
    Whatever we are eating, I'll be enjoying it because I am grateful for your time and friendship. You are in my heart amigo! ;-)
