Monday, 12 March 2012


…. Those times you describe yourself as “imperfect”, I am asking you to change how you say it to “im perfect”. Imagine the word, put a space between the letters ‘m’ and ‘p’, then read it out (aloud or in your head, as long as you say it). “I’m perfect.”

Say it again, “I’m perfect”… :-).

It’s not about ego, or pride or vanity. It’s about knowing that how we communicate to ourselves is pivotal to how well we like and accept who we are. We (our minds) demand and expect so much from ourselves. To the point of not being acceptably happy with whom we are and what we have.

I understand and agree that we all have our flaws and weaknesses. It is part of being human. And we either strive to improve ourselves, accept who we are, or wallow in our different levels of self-pity. Striving to improve and self-acceptance are healthier stages in life we should always be at. It is also okay to feel less or pity one’s self at times. Life is much tougher for some people (e.g. physical disabilities, but I found they usually have better self-image than those who are able-bodied). However, these negative self-talks are only okay temporarily, and only if they inspire you to change and improve your situation/self; or only if you know you are just being dramatic, because deep down you know you don’t really believe the complaints you are highlighting in your foolish head :-).

I know too many people who are not happy with something about them. It could be:

- Physical (too short, too tall, too dark, too light, scarred skin, knocked-knees, big hips, no waist, square butt, no butt, huge ass, grey hair, curly hair, straight hair, big feet, small feet, common faced, goofy faced, square-eyed, flat nose, crooked nose, witch’s nose, too lanky, too stocky, sagging breast, flat chest, huge breast, too fat, too skinny, not sexy, not hot, not gorgeous, not pretty enough – you get the picture); or

- Abilities/Inabilities (not smart enough, too slow, can’t cook, can’t swim, can’t drive, can’t speak other languages, can’t public speak, stutter, can't stop snoring, can’t dress well, can’t be creative, not brave, not confident, not good enough)

These inner dialogues are unhealthy and unkind! We need to shift our mindframe into understanding that we are all created to be different. And that it is absolutely okay to be however we were built, and to be struggling with how to deal with some things. Concentrate on your strengths, on doing well what you can, and you’ll see the flaws are not the bigger picture. What you consider your flaws, others may even see as your charms :-).

Accept what you are given and work on what you have. You are perfect.

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