Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Top Tens - Autumn in Melbourne, Australia

I really like fall.... It's gentle, unassuming and quiet....

Instead of "trying to catch up", I am continuously letting go of many "non-urgent and less important" plans not done according to my "full life" standards. For example, this blog covering two seasons instead of one. Accepting I can only live one lifetime now, instead of three. :-) Streamlining also to allow time for reflection and solitude and rest. :-)))

The main thing this season (since May 2015) is God revealing to me that my obedience is not about what I can do for Him (studies, ministries, worship, work, etc); but who He is (Creator, King, Lord, Saviour, Ruler, Eternal, Sovereign, Holy, Faithful, Loving, Trinity, Righteous, Just, Merciful, Good, Gracious, All-Knowing, etc) and who I am to Him (child of God loved, chosen, treasured, protected, cared for, freed, beautiful, anointed, etc). :-))))

Ten Fifteen Things I Loved
1. Flowers and herbs... and tall grasses!
2. Sunrises and sunsets. I don't see the actual rising and setting where I live, but my favourites anyway are the skyline colours from around 15 minutes before and/or after. A lot of times captivating!
3. Dry and/or falling autumn leaves.
4. Borek and Banana on Thursday mornings.
5. Hugs and warmth from Nashtables.
6. Old-school cinemas.
7. Still (specialty) ice cream - newest one I tasted was basil!! I miss acai! I wonder how persimmon ice cream would taste like?
8. Walks
9. Being hosted/cared/loved.
10. Learning Hebrew.
11. Mangoes! Ox-heart tomatoes! Fancy cauliflowers!
12. Fancy dressing-up (I dressed as a sword-wielding-jumping-warrior, a Japanese samurai, a geisha, a candy and as Ursula in Little Mermaid).
13. Cooking new dishes at home!
14. Catchups over various drinks (instead of meals).
15. Being able to play my ukelele again.

Ten Things I Missed
1. Anonymity, quiet and introversion.
2. A houseful of flowers from my garden.
3. Hosting in my own home.
4. Having a door to my room ;-).
5. Rest and relaxation type holidays.
6. Dancing.... A friend might take tango lessons with me.
7. Driving.... I don't like losing the skill.
8. Walking or cycling under the drizzle of a cool (not cold!) rain.
9. Will miss bible study with women on Mondays.
10. Friends being adventurous with their foods.

Eleven Wishes/Prayers
1. For my family to each live life with Jesus of central importance.
2. A longer season of study. :-) Last year I pictured only studying for a year. God knew I could not imagine committing to more. Now I see why I need it and waiting for God's provisional confirmation.
3. Trust and faith in God's equipping and provisions. God help me with the pressures of studying. I pray for a focused mind, stamina, rest, smart work and use of time, and God's wisdom. Courage to walk in faith to this season's refinement/lessons.
4. Not neglect my family and ministry. Life-Work-Ministry-Rest-Pleasure-Balance.
5. Sanctified common sense.
6. For God's armour to always cover me and family.
7. For the mentors and support team He is sending towards me and building up. Thank you for the ones I've met already..
8. To always be obedient and dependent to God as His little child. 
9. To relax - to always have this joy and the inner peace I have serving. Avoiding burnout.
10. For a healthy body and physical healing (Immunity, skin, and physical wellness) 
11. God's blessing for me to have my own family, children and grandchildren.

Ten Six Material/Resources Wish List  (with mission to unreach nations in mind)
1. Osprey 75L travelpack, customised to my back.
2. Ipad or tablet - for ease during short-term travels.
3. Dual-sim phablet/phoblet.... you know which one I'm talking about.
4. Big Agnes(?) lightweight 3-4 seasons tent.
5. Lightweight and waterproof winter jacket and hiking pants.
6. Northface waterproof duffel bag that can turn into a backpack - carry-on size.
7. Business/investment in for mission.
9. GoPro or similar - using this is strong, but I'm very hesitant to being more public, God will provide when it is time.
10. Canon DSLR lenses, tripod, and equipment for lighting and studio photography (a whim). I'm gonna try to get back to learning photography with my 50mm lens, next season.
** Don't need yet the ones crossed off, but I am heading to Turkey and Israel between May and July as part of a Middle Eastern Study Program. So considering gear now.... If you have contacts where I can purchase them cheaper, please let me know :-)).
** Praying about a business, to be used as a means to raise funds for my ministries.

1 comment:

  1. Regards how you are pushing your family:

    The question may occur, which mindset is demonstrating more freedom and tolerance :-P

