Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Everyone!
Eight long months passed since my last update. I now have a Graduate Certificate in Divinity. I'm pursuing a Graduate Diploma in Divinity next semester. I already know which subjects I am doing. I am waiting for God's confirmation whether to finish Masters in Divinity (total of 3 years full-time). My faith walk is to prayerfully follow God's command to study, until He changes it (or doors close). :-))))
I have countless stories of God’s awesomeness and Sovereignty in the way He is growing me as His disciple!! I am passionate and on fire for Jesus! They will be blogged as time and prompting comes. :-)) In less than 1000 words, here are 9 main themes:
I've never studied so hard in my life! To pass 4 subjects in bible college! Not because I was struggling (I was, but I knew God is equipping me for what He called me to do…) but because I was soaking up everything God was revealing to me through my teachers, classmates and researches. All my life studying/training... this semester was THE BEST schooling I ever had! :-)))
God is providing what I need - in all seasons, journeys and lessons. He is growing me in the little, to prepare me for much. The stories of how God grows and provides for me together with other believers are overflowing! :-))) Despite uncertainties and thoughtful discernments, I smile because all is well and peaceful in my soul. :-)))
I’m (actively) taking care of my health/immune system. I am enough fit, healthy, strong and happy. :-))
I am mentally tired from all the studying (and ministries). So I’m enjoying a bit of the holidays. The ministries are continuously busy, and I am already reading textbooks for next semester. Study/workload will likely be heavier, but in seeking God’s guidance, I believe I am making the right decisions with regards my studies. I’m still “failing” to rest in God, being an over-doer/planner. In His tender mercies I am grown in understanding of “rest” and “Sabbath” in Him and through Him (Genesis 2, Psalm 23 and Hebrews 4). :-))
I joke with God about the impossibility to rest in my most challenging season with Him. People comment I'm being fast-tracked, going through now what took years for them to understand!! To not be overwhelmed, I concentrate on getting to know God more, instead of my reformation. In that He gives me comforts and continuous refreshing like I am drinking from a cold spring. :-))))))
I went through a moment when I tried to dampen the wonders of living in the power of the God's Spirit. I was unsure how to handle people's reactions when amazing happened. I needed to check my mass of intentions and/or motivations. But I was reminded/convicted by God’s Spirit that how I was becoming should be a normal state of being for me (and other disciples of Christ!!), rather than an exception. I am yielding more of me to God as He gives me boldness and courage to be His servant. My trust and faith in Jesus is immensely growing as He walks me through the spiritual fitness and refinement. Instead of wasting my time being scared, I burn passionately, strongly and quietly; while praying into and building my long-term support network and accountability/advocacy partners as we advance. :-)))
God immediately removed the burden of how I perceived “failure” (e.g. unwillingness to ask His people to help me financially because of self-sufficiency). It was a beautiful story of God orchestrating my decision to do "own works" by responding to a folding bicycle advertisement, then prompted by the Holy Spirit to follow the seller where he was going after we met (thankfully he was a pastor so he understood my "crazy talk", whew!), so I could hear his sermon on Mark 6. WOW! Really, WOW. :-))))))
God showed me He's got me. My Creator totally knew me, how I make decisions and my weaknesses. So He provided a means for me to successfully obey and study; while tackling my struggles to trust. I see Him rejoicing with me through every victory, and lovingly encouraging me daily. I'm resting on green pastures in Psalm 23, and as mentioned above. :-))))))
My ministries and discipleships are forming well and growing. I’ll share a few stories through my blog (as much as privacy could allow). There were undeniable revelations and wonders. I am a humbled and grateful witness of God’s Sovereignty. (Matthew 11:25-27)
God, through college subjects, lovingly made me aware of my past/present/future Christian failings in Christlike handling of my individual and corporate freedom. Others-centredness is a hard yoke and heavy burden of responsibility; only easy and light through God's power and Spirit. (Matthew 11:28-30)
For a year I dealt with disappointments towards Christians (new and longer believers). I share this honestly because I could react un-Christ-like if I respond to these troubles without seeking God’s help and truly trusting Him. I had a torrent of “Christian disappointments” because I judged they should know better if they are really pursuing God and not misrepresenting Him. Self-righteousness instead of God-righteousness. :-(( I only need one to ruin "the God experience" and to rant about hypocrisy.... I also expected better, because they were “Christian friends” as opposed to “Christian works”.... But only God knows how truthful and faithful our individual relationship is with Him, and our willingness to let Him be our Lord and King. God is helping me walk this by building my understanding of the difference between asking, “Why God?” and the better “What now?”….
There is a parallel between "Christian disappointments" and "secular disappointments". I've also been walking non-Christian friends through their disappointments. In witnessing and ramblings we've been unpacking the difference between society's standard of living called "survival of the fittest"; and Christlike standard of living to "love God to love your neighbours and your enemies". Seeing God's truth and grace instead of humanity's relative right and wrong.
I am celebrating my birthday this month, and next month! :-)) While on hiatus (semester break), I’m currently balancing the holiday festivities, physical rest and spending time with friends and family! To contrast above sharing about disappointments, I am deeply touched by people whom made sure I knew they appreciated our friendship, and will actively maintain/grow it with me, despite us no longer being in the same “sphere of influences” - environment, work, belief, life stage, and socio-economic standing. No (wo)man is an island - I am really finding out who my friends are as we lose or gain secular importance. :-))
Praise and Prayer Points:
Thank God for completing my first semester and for wisdom He gave me through academia. Pray for my studies next semester and next season of growth.
Thank God for my improved health and general well-being. May I rest and strengthen well in His comfort and refuge.
Pray for my support network, ministries and discipleships. May I/we always be obedient, pursuing the promptings of God and moving in power of the Holy Spirit.
Pray for the salvation of my family - divine appointments, breakthroughs, etc.
End Notes:
If you would like to know who Jesus is, or would like to get to know Him more, please contact me and I would loooove to walk with you through that journey! :-)
Thank you for praying for me, financially supporting me, hosting me, and equipping me. I fully appreciate and comprehend how important you/we are as family, as I stepped into being a missionary (obedient to God in however He is growing me). I am blessed and praising in how we are all growing in our relationship with Christ. If you are encouraged and/or feel prompted to be more involved as part of my support network, please contact me. And vice versa, let me know. :-)))
My email update has all the photos, etc. You'll notice I'm still very private here. If you want to receive the "better versions" in your email, let me know. ;-)).
I'm blessed to be living with a housemate who adores flowers as much as I do!! :-))) |