Thursday, 4 December 2014

Top Tens - Big Island, Hawaii

Ten Things I Love/Appreciate

1. Sunrises, sunsets and the skies after sunsets - they are super amazing here in Hawaii!!
2. My support team - I may be the one in "front" but each of them gives me backbone to stay. We are all one in the body of Christ, walking this together with me! I'm thankful.
3. My roommates - they are truly God-sent.
4. Hugs (especially long, squeezing, pick-me-up, bear-like hugs)
5. Cheap(er) papayas (the lava flow/transport issues increased price to more than double!)
6. Learning how to sail - I appreciate the skill, and the fact it is on water!

7. Tall grasses - bunch them together, you can present them to me like flowers! Beautiful!
8. Lilikoi! Known in english as (yellow) passion fruit, yum!
9. "Donkey" - she's a great chariot (friend's truck that's been taking us and her owner everywhere off-the-beaten-and-crazy-tracks!!)
10. Snorkelling in warm water, while fine-tuning my freestyle strokes.

Ten Things I Miss/Dislike

1. I miss variety in my main meals and dishes, but at least someone else is preparing them.
2. I'm not a fan of my constant sweating, thank God for showers!
3. I miss earning my own money. I struggle being new in not having this control/independence, but stepping into obedience is more important.
4. I miss variety in my daily lifestyle. There was so much options I loved in Melbourne. It's easy to get bored with doing "the same awesome things" here, being a smaller and isolated island in comparison.... ;-)
5. Miss writing. Someone said I should write at least 200 words daily to practice, but I had to force myself to finish this late post. For several nights, including last night, I had fallen asleep in exhaustion on top of my laptop(!!) while trying to type this, etc.
6. Still missing two-hours of head-to-toe deep tissue or sports massage with scented oils.
7. Insects that flies and bites me at night here!!
8. Miss sweating my prayers, doing my highly interpretive dance with friends.
9. Miss singing for fun with (crazy) friends.
10. Goodbyes. (Instead "Keep in touch. See you later.") 

Ten Wishes/Prayers (mostly same as previous lists!)
1. For God's armour to always/daily cover me and family and friends, hedge of protection with the blood of Jesus (not literal for those who don't understand!).
2. Responded, "okay, I accept"... to be willing and obediently confident to be in a role/position I never dreamt for myself. It will be hard (doubt will happen) in my own will, so I'm just placing that in God's hands and I keep my promise in my heart as a reminder as He will walk me through the journeys.
3. For my family to each have a personal relationship with Christ.
4. To always be obedient and dependent to God as His little child. :-)
5. My training - praying into where God wants me to be located for long-term/continuous mission, which organisation to connect with, which skills/courses to learn in preparation, etc.
6. God's blessing for me to have my own family and children.
7. Still would like to learn to play a musical instrument well (preferably guitar/ukelele, or my voice) - my roommate lent to me a uke, yay! Now just need time when I am not tired...
8. To be a better swimmer... or singer.... or both. ;-)
9. Thank you God for healing and strength.
10. For wisdom and discernment, so (ad)ventures will be successful. That opportunities keeps coming and presenting itself; and that I respond rightly/appropriately, by taking them on, or saying no.
11. My languages!! But brain oh brain is resting.... :-/

Ten Material/Resources Wish List  (with mission to unreach nations in mind)
1. Osprey 75L travelpack, customised to my back.
2. Ipad or tablet - for ease during short-term travels.
3. Dual-sim phablet/phoblet.... you know which one I'm talking about.
4. Big Agnes(?) lightweight 3-4 seasons tent.
5. Lightweight and waterproof winter jacket and hiking pants.
9. GoPro or similar, to capture moments to share with people.
10. Canon DSLR lenses, tripod, and equipment for lighting and studio photography (a whim).

Friday, 7 November 2014

Tenfold and Double Blessings

A few weeks ago, a couple whom were complete strangers, handed me two USD$10 bills after I took their photo and spoke to them about why I was in the Big Island. Initially I refused, embarrassed, told them I took their photo for free, I didn't need the money. They pressed on handing me the money, mentioned it was for my mission (being a missionary). I accepted their generosity. I knew they meant well in feeling prompted to support me. Yet I walked away reeling. It was the first time I received money for myself from complete strangers.

I stared at the money for a long time, in my room, caught up not in the currency, but in what it signified. In my hand was a glimpse of my likely long-term future, as a missionary. I cried, overwhelmed  by conflicting emotions.

I struggled with receiving a "handout" from random strangers, because I knew the money was for myself only, not a donation to a project I was involved in. I had no issue with getting and giving donations for "others". I love blessing others as I am blessed by God, as the strangers whom "gifted" did. My pride preferred the strangers' role - to be the financial giver instead of the receiver.

Still, I was willing to be transformed. If it is God's will for me to be at the receiving end, in obedience to the call, because the call is clear. I prayed for the Holy Spirit to show me the truth, and broke agreement from lies of independence.

The next morning, I received this verse during my morning devotion.

"And he spoke kindly to him and gave him a seat above the seats of the kings who were with him in Babylon. So Jehoiachin put off his prison garments. And every day of his life he dined regularly at the king's table, and for his allowance, a regular allowance was given him by the king, according to his daily needs, as long as he lived." (2 Kings 25:28-30 ESV)

I could not stop crying, comforted and confronted.... Though this lesson is tougher than I predicted, God holds me with love.


The same night, while getting to know better a new friend, to whom I also shared above, another friend came up to us very upset. He was unjustly treated, from a messy experience of returning money he worked for to his employer (approx USD$100). He felt taken advantage of and it was his faith that made him return the money to be a peacemaker, when in the past he would have reacted differently. We prayed with him for his struggles, with forgiveness and blessings for the shopkeeper. I obediently responded to prompting to give him the $20 I just received. I realised it was meant for him. But God used it to walk me (and my friends) through several lessons, including how to be a steward of His blessings. God is so much more than judgment for what I do and don't do.


Three days after the strangers handed me USD$20, I went to church and tithed $2. I considered keeping it to buy myself some papayas, heheheh ugh.... But the conviction to bring my firstfruits to God was stronger (you can research "firstfruits verses" and "tithes" online if you want to understand).... When I arrived home an envelope with my name on it waited outside my door, sender anonymous. Inside it was another two USD$10 bills!! I was laughing in shock!!! A few days later I was handed a free papaya by one of the students, whom specifically came over and gave it to me! Yay!

It reminded me of this verse:

"Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it." (Malachi 3:10 NIV)

I received another lesson on dependency, trust and faith. Also seeing God's sense of humour in blessing me not only double but also tenfold!!!


Another story I didn't know was connected, started same night or the next night. I was handed two AUD$10 that someone found lying on the floor. I initially thought it was mine as I was rushing around earlier with my wallet open. But I wasn't sure so conscience (prompting) made me search for every single Australian in our base (thankfully there was only five of us) to ask if the cash was theirs. None of them took it, in the end they told me it must be for me, God's (double) blessing. I accepted it was mine last week. Thankful for insight in how God possibly used my lost/dropped/stolen cash in the past for wonderful teachings, or just to bless others. A layer of 'love of money' removed from myself again. A layer of understanding added to my role as a steward of God's resources.


Last week, I tithed $5 (for the AUD$20 and USD$20). I actually still have the $5 physically coz I forgot to bring my wallet, so I placed an IOU note as an act of intention. I planned to give it tonight with another non-tithe-just-giving $5 for whatever project will be mentioned tonight. I mentioned this extra $5 not to brag of the "giving" (C'mon! It's only $5!! If anything I'm embarrassed it is a small amount....).

I mentioned the "just giving $5" because friends and I discussed the difference between giving and tithing, spurred by our experiences and understanding. I personally think what we give - to friends, people in need, donations, etc - should not be counted as part of our tithes. For example, I could have reasoned those times I paid for friends' meals when we fellowshipped as part of my tithe. Or, the time I gave a donation to a typhoon appeal to be deducted from what I gave to the church.

Just like we set aside money to save, invest, spend and tithe.... I like the idea of intentionally setting aside money to give. To hopefully be a cheerful giver. With my tithes, and the extras.

"The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." (2 Corinthians 9:6-7 ESV)


Last night(!!!) I was gifted another USD$40. It came in two $20 bills. It's a fun play I'm doing with God here. Constantly being tested, continuously being (double and/or tenfold) blessed, grateful to be learning and serving. Confronted to announce and allow people, known and unknown, to bless me as I stepped forward with both feet into working for his Kingdom.


Sunday, 28 September 2014

Top Tens - Spring 2014 (Australia)

[Enjoyed spring for only three and a half weeks. Still worth blogging about! ;-)]

Ten Things I Love/Appreciate

1. TWICE miraculously healed!!!???!
First was technically in winter (end of August), and I can't prove it without an MRI of the ruptured ligament, but the pains on my ankle has disappeared! I met a born-again Christian husband and wife from interstate whom also attended the same conference I did, and they prayed for me. The test will be my outreaches and keeping my balance during high seas on the boat.... Second time was in church last Sunday before I flew off. I was delirious with fever Friday night; heavy, sweating and weak Saturday. I was crawling and could not talk by Satuday night. I was dizzy, hurting throat and weak when I asked for healing onstage as people prayed me farewell.  The church did, and someone also specifically prayed for healing for me after one of the morning service. By third service at night, I related that I felt so much better I could skip around on stage!! I continued to stay perfectly well to do many things I hoped to do, like attend my classes/appointments and prepare sushi for my bible study group. Praise God. Praise God!
2. The warmth of spring (not too hot).
3. Flowers, though I did not receive any ;-).
4. Gourmet ice cream (finally found those equivalent to gelato I had in Roma, Italy).
5. Hugs from friends and family.
6. Farewell dinner and fundraising efforts organised by friends and volunteers!!! :-)))
7. My nephews (almost 3 and almost 5 years old) - so loving, so cute, so many changes!
8. My mentor, her husband and my friend dropping me off at the airport.
9. New experiences (dancing freely) and lessons (church courses).
10. Triune God - everything is in place under His guidance and care. I didn't need to know 'why', being told 'where' was enough.

I could go on.... so much to be very thankful for and to love and to be very joyful about!!

Ten Things I Miss/Dislike

1. Missing my nephews mentioned in #7 already. My first tears and homesickness felt the night I bade them goodbye and knew I won't see them again for a while.
2. Dislike that I found the gourmet ice cream, mentioned above in #4, a week before I left :-(. I still managed to squeeze in savouring seven (7) flavours :-).
3. Dislike not catching up in person with bestie, and his beautiful family (they were too unwell all month, and we couldn't organise to meet).
4. Dislike not catching up in person with other close friends.
5. Disliked the medical treatments (had to be said, but glad I took care of them, self-care is very important).
6. Missed exercise, but I could not make time to do them, instead of sleep and/or rest.
7. Dislike that I am still too forgetful....
8. Where and when can I get a full body pampering!!??!! ;-)
9. Old clothes and old stuff. I may be overdoing the "minimalist" lifestyle but I really wanted to be as "unwasteful" as I could be, for the next twelve (12) months anyway.
10. Two backpacks and jacket pockets filled with heavier items later, I still didn't get to pack everything I think I need (which I know I could buy overseas, but I'm trying to be "unwasteful" and not buy more stuff I already have, remember?... ugh!)

Ten Wishes/Prayers
1. For God's armour to always/daily cover me and family and friends, hedge of protection with the blood of Jesus (not literal for those who don't understand!).
2. For my family to each have a personal relationship with Christ.
3. To always be obedient and dependent to God as His little child. :-)
4. For the next six (6) months training to be fully immersed in serving God and His people (you).
5. My trainers to be equipped, strengthened and guided by the Holy Spirit.
6. Still would like to learn to play a musical instrument well (preferably guitar/ukelele, or my voice).
7. To be a better swimmer... or singer.... or both. ;-)
8. For healthy meals and good fitness activities.
9. For the people I am meant to meet to respond to God, and our relationships to be fostered under divine direction.
10. For my (ad)ventures to be successful. That opportunities keeps coming and presenting itself; and that I respond rightly/appropriately, by taking them on, or saying no.
11. My languages!! But brain oh brain is resting.... :-/
12. HELP with changing this blog's domain name. I don't want to call this (I bought it in humour)!! I already own for a decade and - it is what I wanted to use but dealing with technical problems, ugh. Anyone, please?? ;-)

Ten Material/Resources Wish List ;-)
** All in preparation and possibility of an itinerant life, responding to God.1. Osprey Backpack - up to 75 litres
2. Big Agnes (or similar) lightweight 2-people tent (approx 1 kg or less)
3. Compression sacks
4. Nalgene water bottle (with filter)
5. Headtorch
6. New mobile/cell phone
7. A lot of lightweight gear like sleeping bag and weather/rainproof clothing, but hard to gauge 'season comfort rating' and if needed, at the moment.
8. Dual-sim phone and tablet combination.
9. Mary Poppins' bag
10. A lightweight ESV study bible with protective bag!!! They weigh over 2kgs!!!

Thursday, 28 August 2014

Top Tens - Winter 2014

[I thought my tradition was broken when I didn't blog for several months, it felt like I missed several seasons. Alas, I didn't! There's still a few days left of winter, yay! So I will continue.... :-)....]

Ten Things I Love/Appreciate

1. God's provisions - physically, spiritually, emotionally, financially. Daily reminders of love.
2. Love tight, long, squeezing, bear-like hugs.
3. Holding hands with someone I can trust.
4. Home-cooked meals.... I struggle to recollect details of the months past, but I remember people between fall and winter making sure I ate (home-cooked or dined out).... Loving gestures, though I always have a preference to eating at homes, even if it were cheeses on toasts, even if homes were messy.
5. My mentor and her husband. I will miss them :-(((.
6. Appreciating spiritual peace.
7. Feeling a constant and calm joy.
8. True friends and family.
9. Quiet - in solitude or with a company.
10. God's cover, answers, protection, embrace/armour, blessings, lessons, lovingkindness, authority.
11. Open smiles and open tears. Beauty in vulnerability... honesty... and hope....
12. Dancing freely, it comes out from my heart.
13. Spring, for sunshine's soft warmth on my skin, and the promise of flowers.
14. Overland hike with God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit; revealing seasons, plans, lessons, placements, promises, love, attention, wisdom.
15. I could go on.... so very much to be thankful for and to love and to be joyful about!!

Ten Things I Miss/Dislike

1. Missing tight, long, squeezing, bear-like hugs. Especially the pick-me-up varieties, hahah, ugh. Consider this a welcome for all my friends, male and female, to just do it!!! I'd love it hahahah! :-))
2. Missing holding hands (I remember growing up and holding hands with friends, boys and girls, why did we grow out of that??!?). Everyone's welcome/challenged to grab my hand too!! ;-)))
3. Dislike forgetting everything, anything... (not being my usual/old self).
4. Dislike my mind and body feeling "tired" easily... (not being my usual/old self).
5. Miss writing. Someone said I should write at least 200 words daily to practice (but see points above and time constraints, but I will).
6. Still missing two-hours of head-to-toe deep tissue or sports massage with scented oils.
7. I'm silently saying goodbye to Melbourne, just in case....
8. Miss reading (and remembering/understanding easily).
9. Miss singing for fun with (crazy) friends.
10. Being busier though not in a "job"!!!?!! But I love this change. Thankful for being exactly where I am placed, to be with; and to "work".
11. Goodbyes. (Instead "Keep in touch. See you later.") 

Ten Wishes/Prayers
1. For God's armour to always/daily cover me and family and friends, hedge of protection with the blood of Jesus (not literal for those who don't understand!).
2. Responded, "okay, I accept"... to be willing to be in a role/position I never dreamt for myself. It will be hard (never happen) in my own will, so I'm just placing that in God's hands and I keep my promise in my heart as a reminder as He will walk me through the journeys.
3. For my family to each have a personal relationship with Christ.
4. To always be obedient and dependent to God as His little child. :-)
5. My training.
6. Still would like to learn to play a musical instrument well (preferably guitar/ukelele, or my voice).
7. To be a better swimmer... or singer.... or both. ;-)
8. To learn how to plan and shop for food/groceries weekly, so I can be a better cook.
9. For my ankle to be healed strong, my core/stomach muscles to be strong, and my posture to improve.
10. For my (ad)ventures to be successful. That opportunities keeps coming and presenting itself; and that I respond rightly/appropriately, by taking them on, or saying no.
11. My languages!! But brain oh brain is resting.... :-/

Ten Material/Resources Wish List  ;-) 
- list copied from Winter 2014's list, very messy, have to be patient to read below, sorry.
1. There's a property (properties!) in France I am looking at to buy. Next to the beach, away from Paris but a direct TGV train (approx 470kms away), behind it an old castle (what's left of it), 300 metres from the beach, walking distance from the main hubs so infrastructure/facilities are available. If I turn the attic into a room with balcony, I'm pretty sure it will have more than a little view of the sea. I can make myself afford the villa. I just don't know how i'll maintain it! This or any French property purchase will definitely be for keeps! <3 (It is still available but not for me at the moment. All plans to property develop and/or purchase on hold.)
1. A tablet or an ipad. To use for video/photo processing and editing. I'm very tactile, I'd prefer to use my fingers than a mouse to do things. (Hahah, I don't even know how to use my one-and-half-year-old Mac still... *sheepish grin*)
2. If not above, a dual-sim phablet/phoblet/foblet(?).... you know which one I'm talking about.
3. 4. More income-generating investments, so I can have my own place at home and my second home (see above, hahahah). I come up with simple/complex inventions at least once a month!! I need mentors, creators, engineers, entrepreneurs and doers/finishers in this field!!
4. 5. Folding hula hoops of various sizes. I used to be good at twirling them, good for core exercise. Decided to exchange it for now with a lightweight sleeping bag for Everest Base Camp, comfort rating -20 degrees celsius at least.
5. 6. Portable pole, yes for dancing and rotation/strength work. If you're imagining something close to porn or prostitution get your mind off the gutter. I found out how good an exercise routine it is in 2005. I'll stick with swimming lessons at the moment, goggles already in my bag, considering location of where I am heading. ;-)
6. 7. My own potted herbs and vegetable garden. Big Agnes(?) lightweight 3-4 seasons tent.
7. Canon DSLR lenses, tripod, and equipment for lighting and studio photography.
8. A human/robot caddy to carry and take care of equipment above while I'm in my artistic zone ;-).
10. A moped. On hold.
9. 11. It's almost winter! Thigh-high boots!!! <3 :-) Osprey(!!) 70 little travel pack.
12. Long or oversized, thick, grandparents-style cardigan. Those ones that feel like I am getting hugged! <3 :-) (Got one good enough, and won't need it where I am going, but keeping an eye out for those super-thick ones! <3)
10. Lightweight and waterproof winter jacket and hiking pants.