Monday, 12 August 2013

On The Eight Day I Rested

... after cleaning the kitchen and the living room, mopping (to vacuum later because people were still asleep in the house), wiping clean tables and tops, doing a load of laundry, showering, and hanging the washing.

By 9.30am I was finished and relaxing with my breakfast next to me (milk and muffin). Started and finished my homework for tonight's class (2 hours work), while picking on my breakfast plus yoghurt and organising lunch with a friend who just arrived back from Italy.

Listened to music - Norah Jones and Jack Johnson - both has a way of soothing me and relaxing me with their voices and/or their songs. Tried to journal (failed), replied to messages and tried to sort out more appointments. Looked at my bed, so inviting. Got dressed to go out instead.

Now 12.30pm. Lunchtime. Resting on the kitchen table while I write this post, waiting for my friend so we could eat lunch outside together, before she rushes off to work. I'm looking out the window and the weather does not look good, at all! But we will pursue, because quality friendship time is intentional, deliberate and important. Plus we both wanted to take it easy, as well as try out the cafe we found out we were both eyeing. :-)

And we are off!

I will rest after meals. Will vacuum the house when alone later. Will nap after, or read a book, maybe. To meet with two friends for conversations at 6pm. Then walk to my 7pm night class with a lot of women. Hopefully home to rest by 10pm, if not detoured.

(Took today off.)

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Water Dreams

 I noticed I rarely dreamt this year. So when I do I remember them.

Two that stood out were dreams where water was the main theme.

First Dream:

I was the watcher. I thought I was looking at a painting of a European-looking seaside town. Van Gogh style, with a lot of brilliant blues, gold, violets, light pinks, and white/silver.

I became part of the painting. From the sea, I looked towards two ladies standing on a bridge. The waves crashed continously in front me beautifully, one after the other. One lady encouraged the other to run along the waves with her. Few words heard, but I understood in this place there was a wonderful phenomena where, if perfectly timed, one could be in front of the waves from the left side of the town/painting to the right.

Suddenly I was in town, looking at the pinkish sky and waves (can't remember the colour/s, maybe only blue). I was attracted to movement from the left corner of my eyes. The women were there. I could feel the excitement of the two ladies as they entered the sea. I think they waded between ankle-deep to hip-deep water.

A huge ten-storey wave started forming. I heard laughing screams from the two ladies as side-by-side (not holding hands) they started running ahead (from the left to the right of the “screen”). The multi-coloured wave towered then crashed inches behind them. More gleeful sounds. Instead of being sucked back into the wave, the water raised to hip level and gently pushed them forward. Another wave formed. Just as tall, if not bigger. The ladies started running again, having so much fun. Waves after waves crashed from behind as they walked/ran forward. The ladies were never scared, confidently moving and enjoying each other’s company. The whole scene looked amazing with all the colours mixing and forming. Their fun spirit uncontrollably infectious. This continued until they were back to the end of town.

I can’t remember if they wanted to do it again. I wouldn’t be surprised if they did. I wanted to join them.

I think I was the lady that encouraged the other.

Second Dream:

I was watching, again. The main/only characters appeared to be a father and daughter, or a man and woman. I think I was the female, while being the watcher.

I don't remember colour/s. It was more grayscale. Black/brown/gray/white. Plain.

The situation was not very clear. I just knew that there was a threat of flooding, or mudslide, or some dangerous combination of both. The female was allowing the male to take control.

Instead of running away from and escaping the crises as far away as possible, they lingered. The male appeared to avert each storm with just enough reaction. I did not receive an impression about the man, only saw his actions and absolute calm. The female did not understand and felt slightly anxious, but she allowed the male to decide, take control, protect and lead. She trusted and kept calm. It was a really nice relationship to watch.

Certain streets would flood and they’d both just avoid it, or be around the corner from it. I would see it moving towards them (while on foot or on a motorbike) as they departed. They’d climb to the upper floors of a building as the flood grew higher. But they didn’t rush to the top floor, never going higher than necessary. Just enough. Always it was comfortably enough.

It felt like they, and I, were simply living the experiences and the storms. They trusted enough that all will be fine despite the pressing dangers.

I think I was with God, and/or with a partner.

Side note:
Both dreams occurred after I deliberately prayed while I mused on life deeply before sleeping.

Monday, 5 August 2013

Top Tens - Winter 2013

Mid-winter. Not truly TOP ten. More the first ten that I can remember. Actually 11 this season.... Why not :-).
**A lot copied and/or moved around from previous list.

Ten Things I Love/Appreciate

1. Soon it will be SPRING! Not wishing time away, but I will love the season to come early, please.
2. Scheduled days off paid work. Much better than pushing myself ragged and calling in sick.
3. Prescious time to bond with godchild and her mother.
4. I would like to be somewhere quiet, away from my other preoccupations, and write.
5. My natural inclination to still be active, no matter how tired, even if only for a short walk, especially if with someone.
6. My new 8 pairs of shoes. Only "need" 2 of them. It doesn't make sense buying them when I am cutting down my possessions. But I really appreciate (love!) them. Thankfully one was a gift! I didn't spend much which made the impulse purchase easier to accept. Woohoo! ;-)
7. The tension I feel when about to make a life-changing (self-benefiting) decision, with the desire to please God stronger. I'm still making decisions benefiting me, but I love the wisdom in how I am tackling issues/considerations with the focus less on self-more reasons. Trusting/Hoping God is taking lead. Inner peace is constant, despite some reactive hyper-ventilation - more a sign of excitement that (good or bad) change is coming! :-)
8. I still appreciate the opportunities I will soon be given to prepare for my next adventures. I'm waiting to become an apprentice, to be more exposed to Godly missions.
9. I still actually really appreciate the confrontations I face with myself as I try to apply the Kingdom living and values into my decisions and actions. 
10. I am still grateful that (most) friends know that my relationship and love for them will not change to less just because I turned "Jesus". It will break my heart if any of you think I will see/treat you with less love, or unequal or unacceptable. :-((( .... My love has actually even increased!! Not out of pity, piety, or duty! But overflowing from increased awareness of how much God loves all of us, regardless.
11. I still appreciate the challenge of "letting go of stuff". Material things, and emotional. Filtering what's important and true/honest. This is also very hard, making me face fully some harsh and confronting issues. I want/need to face them, for my own good and to be better. It is great for healing and restoration/rejuvenation, which I love. 

Ten Things I Miss/Dislike

1. I really would rather write about 20 other current topics buzzing within me, instead of this, truth be told. There were as many others I gave up writing about coz the "moments were lost". Would really love to have more time to play with writing. To be less restrained and hindered in my expressions. To trial, error and success. Allowing my creativity to take forms without or with much less inhibitions. If only I didn't have to work, or eat, or travel, or relate, or sleep. *smiling sarcastically*
2. Winter. I used to enjoy it, but I've been quite grumpy this season with the coldness and wetness together. I am currently only capable of dealing with one or the other.
3. Feeling sooo unrested. I haven't been back 24-hours from warmer and sunny Queensland where I slowed down and rested, but already I long for another break! :-(
4. Busyness. Do-not-like! I slept 2am Saturday, woke up 6.30am, plane arrived 1pm Sunday. I had to rush to 3 meetings and a date. All of them deemed necessary (could not be rescheduled). I was crashing and running on empty after dinner. I didn't have energy to speak to people at home. Around 9pm I crashed on top of my bed, did not make it inside my blanket (but kinda deliberate coz I didn't want to lie on it without showering). I thought I was just resting, then I opened my eyes and it was already 12.30am. I feel knocked out still, but it's 4am now and I am doing a lot of "catch-up"... stuff.
5. Missing exercise. I didn't do any for a week, except for the little walks to and from shops, restaurants and transport. Had a much-liked lazy rest.
6. Restful, longer than 5 hours sleep. I miss it.
7. Miss relaxing/nice, strong, long, full-body (head-to-toe) sports massage with scented oils. I haven't been satisfied of getting all five criteria in one session this year. :-(
8. I still dislike how messy my room table and drawers and floor gets...!
9. I still miss the beach, with warm water and sunsets.
10. I still dislike losing the little confidence I have in driving. I haven't driven for years. I'm pretty sure I've lost the little skills I had.... ugh. 
11. White lies or not being fully honest troubles me. Others and mine (but I am very intentional in being honest, as far as I am aware).... Talked about this a lot with friends.  All/most agrees it causes or plants pain/negativity into relationships, but all/most continues to casually practice it, mainly for self-protection/promotion. If it is obviously not good, why do it? WHY!!!??? :-/

Ten Wishes/Prayers *** Third season,still pretty much the same...! :-)
1. To wait patiently on God. Hebrews 11:8.
2. Ankle (and leg burn) to heal well and fully. Also please no flu this fall/winter!
3. To have (undeniable) clarity on what to do next. I think I know medium-term what I am learning, doing, and preparing for.
4. To not be lead by my own plans/fears/insecurities/over-confidence. Psalm 23.
5. To have (undeniable) clarity on where to go to next. I think I already know.
6. Courage (I have, because I trust.)
7. Submission (I do, because I follow with trust.)
8. For the last (biz) issue with old partner to be fully finalised this year instead of in 4 years! No negativity, but I would really like to no longer have to deal with him and not participate in keeping the (biz) issue away from his new partner. Peace of mind and complete closure would be nice.
9. To not under-perform and to be a peacemaker at work. smoothening office issues and politics.
10. That opportunities keeps coming and presenting itself; and that I respond rightly/appropriately.
11. For new relationship to be God-inspired.