Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Lilliputian Steps

It is unsettling to start blogging again.... To-ing and fro-ing, to-ing and fro-ing.... Examining my motivations for starting, and dissecting my reasons for hesitating. I stopped writing 2.5 years ago. Intentionally decided to keep confusing life in. I am not as bewildered now, more willing to openly process experiences. It took several months of vigorous "me time" to get to this nice place where I am now, yet it wasn't hardwork. It was helpful that I have a good relationship with myself - loving, honest, forgiving, humorous, and supportive....

A lot of my past fortnight was spent writing. Letters, emails, reports, journals, and chats. Some for work, some personal. I started a lot of stories and thoughts, without an end, unfinished. Some will make it here eventually. A few of the emails exchanged were honesty on paper, which liberated and tackled unfinished businesses, thankfully. Other correspondences expressions of love and care.

... It will be obvious (if not already) that I reflect a lot. And I talk about love and all the gooey stuff without embarrassment. I like being in that state of mind. Hahahah. But I am also more aware of the darker sides to life now. I'm sure they will show in some/a lot of my stories. Dark experiences that in hindsight, I think (I hope) has given me (more) compassion and understanding. I don't really know. It is easy to say I have it 'cause it sounds good. But I'd rather be acting it, even if unaware. I'm still walking in an uncharted forest on this one.

By the way, I changed blogspot 'cause.... it did not feel right to continue the old one. Door closed. I am no longer that old self living in the last story. But the last sentence still rings true. Since it is the actual name of the blog, but I no longer felt it, it seems it is time to move on. Living a different chapter, moving forward, hopeful, open-hearted.

On a side note, I just realised today 4 years ago I started my long travel!?! Raising an imaginary glass (filled with warm milk and honey - it's my imagination, and it's what I want right this moment, heheheh), here's to the start of another journey!