Wednesday 20 April 2016

Top Tens - Autumn in Melbourne, Australia

I really like fall.... It's gentle, unassuming and quiet....

Instead of "trying to catch up", I am continuously letting go of many "non-urgent and less important" plans not done according to my "full life" standards. For example, this blog covering two seasons instead of one. Accepting I can only live one lifetime now, instead of three. :-) Streamlining also to allow time for reflection and solitude and rest. :-)))

The main thing this season (since May 2015) is God revealing to me that my obedience is not about what I can do for Him (studies, ministries, worship, work, etc); but who He is (Creator, King, Lord, Saviour, Ruler, Eternal, Sovereign, Holy, Faithful, Loving, Trinity, Righteous, Just, Merciful, Good, Gracious, All-Knowing, etc) and who I am to Him (child of God loved, chosen, treasured, protected, cared for, freed, beautiful, anointed, etc). :-))))

Ten Fifteen Things I Loved
1. Flowers and herbs... and tall grasses!
2. Sunrises and sunsets. I don't see the actual rising and setting where I live, but my favourites anyway are the skyline colours from around 15 minutes before and/or after. A lot of times captivating!
3. Dry and/or falling autumn leaves.
4. Borek and Banana on Thursday mornings.
5. Hugs and warmth from Nashtables.
6. Old-school cinemas.
7. Still (specialty) ice cream - newest one I tasted was basil!! I miss acai! I wonder how persimmon ice cream would taste like?
8. Walks
9. Being hosted/cared/loved.
10. Learning Hebrew.
11. Mangoes! Ox-heart tomatoes! Fancy cauliflowers!
12. Fancy dressing-up (I dressed as a sword-wielding-jumping-warrior, a Japanese samurai, a geisha, a candy and as Ursula in Little Mermaid).
13. Cooking new dishes at home!
14. Catchups over various drinks (instead of meals).
15. Being able to play my ukelele again.

Ten Things I Missed
1. Anonymity, quiet and introversion.
2. A houseful of flowers from my garden.
3. Hosting in my own home.
4. Having a door to my room ;-).
5. Rest and relaxation type holidays.
6. Dancing.... A friend might take tango lessons with me.
7. Driving.... I don't like losing the skill.
8. Walking or cycling under the drizzle of a cool (not cold!) rain.
9. Will miss bible study with women on Mondays.
10. Friends being adventurous with their foods.

Eleven Wishes/Prayers
1. For my family to each live life with Jesus of central importance.
2. A longer season of study. :-) Last year I pictured only studying for a year. God knew I could not imagine committing to more. Now I see why I need it and waiting for God's provisional confirmation.
3. Trust and faith in God's equipping and provisions. God help me with the pressures of studying. I pray for a focused mind, stamina, rest, smart work and use of time, and God's wisdom. Courage to walk in faith to this season's refinement/lessons.
4. Not neglect my family and ministry. Life-Work-Ministry-Rest-Pleasure-Balance.
5. Sanctified common sense.
6. For God's armour to always cover me and family.
7. For the mentors and support team He is sending towards me and building up. Thank you for the ones I've met already..
8. To always be obedient and dependent to God as His little child. 
9. To relax - to always have this joy and the inner peace I have serving. Avoiding burnout.
10. For a healthy body and physical healing (Immunity, skin, and physical wellness) 
11. God's blessing for me to have my own family, children and grandchildren.

Ten Six Material/Resources Wish List  (with mission to unreach nations in mind)
1. Osprey 75L travelpack, customised to my back.
2. Ipad or tablet - for ease during short-term travels.
3. Dual-sim phablet/phoblet.... you know which one I'm talking about.
4. Big Agnes(?) lightweight 3-4 seasons tent.
5. Lightweight and waterproof winter jacket and hiking pants.
6. Northface waterproof duffel bag that can turn into a backpack - carry-on size.
7. Business/investment in for mission.
9. GoPro or similar - using this is strong, but I'm very hesitant to being more public, God will provide when it is time.
10. Canon DSLR lenses, tripod, and equipment for lighting and studio photography (a whim). I'm gonna try to get back to learning photography with my 50mm lens, next season.
** Don't need yet the ones crossed off, but I am heading to Turkey and Israel between May and July as part of a Middle Eastern Study Program. So considering gear now.... If you have contacts where I can purchase them cheaper, please let me know :-)).
** Praying about a business, to be used as a means to raise funds for my ministries.

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Top Tens - Spring, Summer in Melbourne

It's a new year. A fast year passed. This year too shall pass, fast.

Instead of "trying to catch up", I am continuously letting go of many "non-urgent and less important" plans not done according to my "full life" standards. For example, this blog covering two seasons instead of one. Accepting I can only live one lifetime now, instead of three. :-) Streamlining also to allow time for reflection and solitude and rest. :-)))

The main thing this season (since May 2015) is God revealing to me that my obedience is not about what I can do for Him (studies, ministries, worship, work, etc); but who He is (Creator, King, Lord, Saviour, Ruler, Eternal, Sovereign, Holy, Faithful, Loving, Trinity, Righteous, Just, Merciful, Good, Gracious, All-Knowing, etc) and who I am to Him (child of God loved, chosen, treasured, protected, cared for, freed, beautiful, anointed, etc). :-))))

Ten Eleven Things I Loved
1. Flowers! As long as I'm next to a real flower, at home or outside, I'm happy. :-))
2. Sunsets!! My favourites in Melbourne used to be sunrises, but the sunsets have been captivating lately. I loved watching them Springtime at bible college during breaks when I attended my night classes. I still remember how beautiful they were.... :-)
Taken two sunsets ago, and yesterday.
3. Mother-daughter(s) times, precious times I get to spend with her, and with my sister.
4. Watching movies and TV series in bed.
5. Reading books for pleasure.
6. Being alone, or at home. Needed solitude.
7. Sleep! I slept over 12 hours twice in December, so weird for me!!??!
8. (Specialty) ice cream - cheese range, figs, fruits, nuts.
9. Stayed at home to celebrate Christmas and New Years Eve. I live next door to the fireworks and party, but only this year I got to enjoy it from home.
10. Watched the fireworks at home, it felt like they were exploding next to my face!! So close, so awesome!!
11. Not having homework is good, but I'm already studying for two subjects, so I don't feel like I stopped studying. But at least I'm more relaxed.

Ten Six Things I Missed
1. Freedom and capability to drop everything for a month and travel/explore/rest.
2. Hiking. Overnight hiking. Retreats. Maybe exploring for pleasure/peace.
3. Being anonymous.
4. Anything quiet and introverted. :-)
5. Persimmons. The season passed. I didn't have enough. :-)
6. More flowers, and fresh herbs in my meals. ;-)

Ten Wishes/Prayers
1. For my family to each accept Christ into their lives.
2. Trust and faith in God's equipping and provisions. God help me with the pressures of studying. I pray for a focused mind, stamina, rest, smart work and use of time, and God's wisdom. Courage to walk in faith to this season's refinement/lessons.
3. Not neglect my family and ministry. Life-Work-Ministry-Rest-Pleasure-Balance.
4. Sanctified common sense.
5. For God's armour to always cover me and family.
6. For the mentors and support team He is sending towards me and building up. Thank you for the ones I've met already..
7. To always be obedient and dependent to God as His little child. 
8. To relax - to always have this joy and the inner peace I have serving. Avoiding burnout.
9. For a healthy body and physical healing (Immunity, skin, and physical wellness) 
10. God's blessing for me to have my own family, children and grandchildren.

Ten Material/Resources Wish List  (with mission to unreach nations in mind)
1. Osprey 75L travelpack, customised to my back.
2. Ipad or tablet - for ease during short-term travels.
3. Dual-sim phablet/phoblet.... you know which one I'm talking about.
4. Big Agnes(?) lightweight 3-4 seasons tent.
5. Lightweight and waterproof winter jacket and hiking pants.
6. Northface waterproof duffel bag that can turn into a backpack - carry-on size.
7. Business/investment in for mission.
9. GoPro or similar - using this is strong, but I'm very hesitant to being more public, God will provide when it is time.
10. Canon DSLR lenses, tripod, and equipment for lighting and studio photography (a whim). I'm gonna try to get back to learning photography with my 50mm lens, next season.
** Don't need yet the ones crossed off, but I am heading to Turkey and Israel between May and July as part of a Middle Eastern Study Program. So considering gear now.... If you have contacts where I can purchase them cheaper, please let me know :-)).
** Praying about a business, to be used as a means to raise funds for my ministries.

Friday 25 December 2015

Gift of Grace

Merry Christmas everyone😊

I received with thankfulness God's most precious gift - the gift of grace.

Thank you Jesus for being born, bringing this gift, and showing this truth to humanity. 😍

I spent the week quietly reflecting on this great Sovereign gift and models of discipleship from one of our pastor's impactful message last weekend. As a woman, I've been reflecting on the 3 Mary (mother of Jesus, sister of Lazarus, of Magdala) in the Bible for 2 years now. 😊

Last Sunday's message focused on God the Father's gift, His Son Jesus the baby King, the servant King; and the response of faith by a believer (Mary, Jesus' mother).

... And Mary said, "Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be me according to your word." - Luke 1:38a

... "Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done." - Jesus praying to God, Luke 22:42b

Enjoying simpler things in life :-).....

Monday 21 December 2015

Devoted to Sovereign God in Melbourne :-)) x

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Everyone!

Eight long months passed since my last update. I now have a Graduate Certificate in Divinity. I'm pursuing a Graduate Diploma in Divinity next semester. I already know which subjects I am doing. I am waiting for God's confirmation whether to finish Masters in Divinity (total of 3 years full-time). My faith walk is to prayerfully follow God's command to study, until He changes it (or doors close). :-))))

I have countless stories of God’s awesomeness and Sovereignty in the way He is growing me as His disciple!! I am passionate and on fire for Jesus! They will be blogged as time and prompting comes. :-)) In less than 1000 words, here are 9 main themes:

I've never studied so hard in my life! To pass 4 subjects in bible college! Not because I was struggling (I was, but I knew God is equipping me for what He called me to do…) but because I was soaking up everything God was revealing to me through my teachers, classmates and researches. All my life studying/training... this semester was THE BEST schooling I ever had! :-)))

God is providing what I need - in all seasons, journeys and lessons. He is growing me in the little, to prepare me for much. The stories of how God grows and provides for me together with other believers are overflowing! :-))) Despite uncertainties and thoughtful discernments, I smile because all is well and peaceful in my soul. :-)))

I’m (actively) taking care of my health/immune system. I am enough fit, healthy, strong and happy. :-))

I am mentally tired from all the studying (and ministries). So I’m enjoying a bit of the holidays. The ministries are continuously busy, and I am already reading textbooks for next semester. Study/workload will likely be heavier, but in seeking God’s guidance, I believe I am making the right decisions with regards my studies. I’m still “failing” to rest in God, being an over-doer/planner. In His tender mercies I am grown in understanding of “rest” and “Sabbath” in Him and through Him (Genesis 2, Psalm 23 and Hebrews 4). :-))

I joke with God about the impossibility to rest in my most challenging season with Him. People comment I'm being fast-tracked, going through now what took years for them to understand!! To not be overwhelmed, I concentrate on getting to know God more, instead of my reformation. In that He gives me comforts and continuous refreshing like I am drinking from a cold spring. :-))))))

I went through a moment when I tried to dampen the wonders of living in the power of the God's Spirit. I was unsure how to handle people's reactions when amazing happened. I needed to check my mass of intentions and/or motivations. But I was reminded/convicted by God’s Spirit that how I was becoming should be a normal state of being for me (and other disciples of Christ!!), rather than an exception. I am yielding more of me to God as He gives me boldness and courage to be His servant. My trust and faith in Jesus is immensely growing as He walks me through the spiritual fitness and refinement. Instead of wasting my time being scared, I burn passionately, strongly and quietly; while praying into and building my long-term support network and accountability/advocacy partners as we advance. :-)))

God immediately removed the burden of how I perceived “failure” (e.g. unwillingness to ask His people to help me financially because of self-sufficiency). It was a beautiful story of God orchestrating my decision to do "own works" by responding to a folding bicycle advertisement, then prompted by the Holy Spirit to follow the seller where he was going after we met (thankfully he was a pastor so he understood my "crazy talk", whew!), so I could hear his sermon on Mark 6. WOW! Really, WOW. :-))))))

God showed me He's got me. My Creator totally knew me, how I make decisions and my weaknesses. So He provided a means for me to successfully obey and study; while tackling my struggles to trust. I see Him rejoicing with me through every victory, and lovingly encouraging me daily. I'm resting on green pastures in Psalm 23, and as mentioned above. :-))))))

My ministries and discipleships are forming well and growing. I’ll share a few stories through my blog (as much as privacy could allow). There were undeniable revelations and wonders. I am a humbled and grateful witness of God’s Sovereignty. (Matthew 11:25-27)

God, through college subjects, lovingly made me aware of my past/present/future Christian failings in Christlike handling of my individual and corporate freedom. Others-centredness is a hard yoke and heavy burden of responsibility; only easy and light through God's power and Spirit. (Matthew 11:28-30)

For a year I dealt with disappointments towards Christians (new and longer believers). I share this honestly because I could react un-Christ-like if I respond to these troubles without seeking God’s help and truly trusting Him. I had a torrent of “Christian disappointments” because I judged they should know better if they are really pursuing God and not misrepresenting HimSelf-righteousness instead of God-righteousness. :-(( I only need one to ruin "the God experience" and to rant about hypocrisy.... I also expected better, because they were “Christian friends” as opposed to “Christian works”.... But only God knows how truthful and faithful our individual relationship is with Him, and our willingness to let Him be our Lord and King. God is helping me walk this by building my understanding of the difference between asking, “Why God?” and the better “What now?”….

There is a parallel between "Christian disappointments" and "secular disappointments". I've also been walking non-Christian friends through their disappointments. In witnessing and ramblings we've been unpacking the difference between society's standard of living called "survival of the fittest"; and Christlike standard of living to "love God to love your neighbours and your enemies". Seeing God's truth and grace instead of humanity's relative right and wrong.

I am celebrating my birthday this month, and next month! :-)) While on hiatus (semester break), I’m currently balancing the holiday festivities, physical rest and spending time with friends and family! To contrast above sharing about disappointments, I am deeply touched by people whom made sure I knew they appreciated our friendship, and will actively maintain/grow it with me, despite us no longer being in the same “sphere of influences” - environment, work, belief, life stage, and socio-economic standing. No (wo)man is an island - I am really finding out who my friends are as we lose or gain secular importance. :-))


Praise and Prayer Points:

Thank God for completing my first semester and for wisdom He gave me through academia. Pray for my studies next semester and next season of growth.

Thank God for my improved health and general well-being. May I rest and strengthen well in His comfort and refuge.

Pray for my support network, ministries and discipleships. May I/we always be obedient, pursuing the promptings of God and moving in power of the Holy Spirit.

Pray for the salvation of my family - divine appointments, breakthroughs, etc.


End Notes:
If you would like to know who Jesus is, or would like to get to know Him more, please contact me and I would loooove to walk with you through that journey! :-)
Thank you for praying for me, financially supporting me, hosting me, and equipping me. I fully appreciate and comprehend how important you/we are as family, as I stepped into being a missionary (obedient to God in however He is growing me). I am blessed and praising in how we are all growing in our relationship with Christ. If you are encouraged and/or feel prompted to be more involved as part of my support network, please contact me. And vice versa, let me know. :-)))

My email update has all the photos, etc. You'll notice I'm still very private here. If you want to receive the "better versions" in your email, let me know. ;-)).

I'm blessed to be living with a housemate who adores flowers as much as I do!! :-)))

Wednesday 30 September 2015

Right Kind Of Fear

Mid-afternoon. The temperature still hot after the rain. Sweat immediately formed on my brow and neck. Living in a village along the Amazon river in Para, Brazil.

My small group of 4 (two foreigners and two translators) were ready to go back to our “home” while in this small community. We finished our house visits on a good note – chatting, praying, and impromptu singing (to pass the time during the downpour, and because the grandmother in the house we took refuge in missed singing in church, but she was too old to walk to it now). We also finished 15 minutes earlier than we planned to head back.

We found out there was another house further along the track, but our local guide was hesitant to take us there. We were told the owner had a mean dog that bit people, and the path was dangerous and far. Those information, the weather, our tiredness with hunger, and the guide’s lack of enthusiasm would have been enough for us to turn back. The translator, Brew (not his real name), and I were afraid of dogs, especially mean ones that bit people. We both did not want to be bitten in the jungle where there was no access to rabies vaccines (I’m not protected)!! We did not want to die from it.

However, Brew and I felt we were still meant to go there. He also agreed that an impression of growing fear suddenly took over us. Different to gut instinct, it did not feel natural. It was heavy.... When we stepped out of the grandmother's house I noticed my left ankle suddenly felt weak with a slight throbbing pain. Weird since it had been over six months since I last felt pain on that injury! Someone prayed for my ankle and I believe I got healed (all pains disappeared in a couple of days). I took care of my steps still, but I mostly forgot the injury because my ankle felt strong.

The other two members of our team did not seem to notice anything different. One looked like he was asleep upright, a heavy feeling of sleep overcame him! Praying to God for discernment, I unsurely decided we were being attacked in the spiritual realm. God has never used fear to alter my behavior or values before. So I rebuked all the negatives that suddenly occurred in Jesus’ name.

I was braver (aka crazier) and more persuasive than Brew, so we decided to keep walking as safely as possible. We prayed as we walked single file and sang praise songs softly – myself second behind the local guide, Brew behind me.

similar to the bull mentioned...! :-)
Along the way I cried out when I suddenly felt a bite on my left ankle!! It was super painful, but I did not see what bit me!!??! There was no snake around us, thankfully! But what bit me!!??! Was it poisonous?? We saw giant ants earlier in the area (everywhere!), so I deduced (forced myself to believe) it must have been one of those ants. I refused to stop walking, though I cried inside. I fought the urge of fear or pain, and continued prayer walking.

Then the local guide in front of me stopped. Brew translated that the bull in front of us was known to be violent. Even though it was tied, the rope was long enough that the bull could still reach us if we decided to cross. I continued praying to God to help us in that situation. I declared loudly (enough to be heard by the person behind me) if Jesus wanted us to go forward He will make a way for us. If not, it meant Brew and I misheard His prompting and we would accept God correcting our course.

“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.” - Psalm 56:3

A man appeared from the corner on the right side of the field. I looked back at Brew, and we smiled anxiously at each other. It wasn’t the owner, but he was able to hold on to the bull while we all rushed past. I felt more sure (but still unsure) that we were meant to go to the house at the end of the path (and that something was trying to stop us).
A sample of the wooden planks we walked on.

We walked the wooden planks zigzagging the jungle plants around us. As we got closer to the house, I felt the heaviness of our environment started lifting. The air felt… lighter (as in colour) and cleaner. I continued praising God but I had not forgotten a mean dog still waited for us, worried that it would bark and attack! Though I prayed for God to keep my ankle strong and my feet fast, there was not enough space on the wooden plank for me to run past Brew (ack, hahahah!!!) Unless I pushed him off the trail, which honestly, I considered!! ;-))))

My knees felt weak as we called out to the owner of the house from a distance, while I wildly scanned the area for any sign of animal!! By this time my imagination was going berserk, I thought chickens could also painfully attack!

“Jesus got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.  Jesus said to his disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?” - Mark 4:39-40

The owner invited us in. The dog was caged (unseen). The translators spoke to the people in the house, introductions were exchanged as the owners showed us around their home. It was clean, well-maintained and beautiful.

While we lingered on the pier behind their house, Brew approached me and said he noticed a huge change in the environment. It was bright and welcoming! We were getting excited because our “antennas” were buzzing! We knew we just overcame an obstacle, and we were sent there specifically, but we still didn’t know why!

In constant prayer, I explained to Brew I believed we were meant to share the beatitudes. He did not know what the beatitudes were but he said he was thinking of people without parental/spiritual guidance; old people (like the widowed grandma we sang for), those whom were feeling isolated/hopeless. I smiled!! Could not contain my excitement as I showed him the beatitudes verses talked about those same groups of people!!

As time passed, we found out that the family were born-again Christians too. They actually prayed that we would visit their home that day! Brew and I felt emboldened to share the message we felt we were meant to pass on to them. As more details revealed, we confirmed with them were they felt they were being lead to step into leadership. Traditions in small villages such as these sometimes limit people to step into roles that were not given to them by persons of authority. We spoke about all of us being part of the body of Christ, all equally important. We spoke about the details for their next ministry. It was such an encouraging time for all of us. At the least for myself and Brew! We all prayed together, praised and thanked our amazing God, interceded for their community, and prayed for each other.

I was in tears as we walked home! I could not stop crying and smiling!! A truly unforgettable experience to be used so intimately, undeniably and strongly by God!!! I was speechless, and so grateful, for God teaching me the right kind of fear – to fear not my situations; but to walk in fear (also known as “in awe/reverence”) of the Lord!!

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” - Philippians 4:6-7

On our way out of the village, our boat stopped by this house. I don’t know why the local lady who was with us on the boat did it. Maybe she heard the story. She was looking at me funny the whole voyage. Anyway, I saw the dog on the pier. It was a mean-looking terrier or a bull mastiff. The team warned me when I jumped off our boat to the pier to hug goodbye the family. The dog was walking so calmly and relaxed. It looked friendly. The owners said it was friendly. But as I was stepping back into the boat, the dog started walking towards me. I heard people in the boat panicking, raised high-pitched voices, rushing me into the boat! I did not want to test fate!! I ran and jumped into the boat, then smiled at the owners sheepishly flustered, hahahah!

“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for Lord you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” - Psalm 23:4

Wednesday 19 August 2015


I am not residing in God's presence as I was three months ago. I realised this today when I found the story "Petulant Helper".

The last time I heard clearly a prompting from God was before June ended, when He told me to approach a return-missionary in our intensive class. I didn't because I was too busy, so I prayed for her instead. The next day I was less busy, sat at the same table as her, remembered the prompting, and told her. She was having a moment with God. I apologised for not responding, she graciously said it was better because she would have cried. But we were both grateful for God's obvious attention and care.... Before then was with my mentor, while in a cafe. I loved that God answered my prayer for Him to help me show her what I meant instead of just talking about it.

I had been much busier and much much more distracted since then. Though I am more conscious of God in my hourly life. I am still busy doing, instead of just being. Even my rest is a strategy, to remove my lack of rest.

I prayed to God, He gave me a few verses in Jeremiah (3?) about 'keeping my feet from going unshod and my throat from thirst, but I said it is hopeless for I love foreigners and after them I go'. God gave hope in saying 'He will not look at me in anger, for He is merciful. And He revealed again that "He will give me shepherds after His own heart...". I wrote the verses here as if God was talking to me.

The problem with above is I understand it with my head, but I think the problem is my heart. I am analysing so much with my head, I am not abiding in His heart.

I brought this problem, that I cannot explain, to God. He knows my prayers even if I don't speak the words.

God gave me 2 Samuel 2:24-29 (see below). I don't like it when God gives me Old Testament Word. I read it only once. They are so hard to understand (with my own mind), too confusing. God help me, but I gave up understanding.

A thought formed in my head.... Attacking or killing or removing the problem is not the focus/motivation. It is the surrendering to Him that He is forging.

???? What???? Where did that thought come from??? Mine or His? I don't know if the verses in context even meant that?? But I'm tired of thinking and battling. I am praying for truce, or rest in Him, whatever it is, as He knows best to give me.... I just want to lie face down on the ground and not think or act. Impossible in my studying season. But I have faith in my undoing through Him.

... Usually here is where I would say, "So forward I go!".... Leftovers of my "carpe diem lifestyle".... I'm gonna stay spiritually lying face-down on the ground this time with God (while I study and live and serve and love in the physical world). God help me. How do I be how you want me to be??

2 Samuel 2:24-28English Standard Version (ESV)24 But Joab and Abishai pursued Abner. And as the sun was going down they came to the hill of Ammah, which lies before Giah on the way to the wilderness of Gibeon. 25 And the people of Benjamin gathered themselves together behind Abner and became one group and took their stand on the top of a hill. 26 Then Abner called to Joab, “Shall the sword devour forever? Do you not know that the end will be bitter? How long will it be before you tell your people to turn from the pursuit of their brothers?” 27 And Joab said, “As God lives, if you had not spoken, surely the men would not have given up the pursuit of their brothers until the morning.” 28 So Joab blew the trumpet, and all the men stopped and pursued Israel no more, nor did they fight anymore.

(** As I physically planted my face on my bed as if I was in the garden with God, I imagined Him picking up my forehead and placing it on His lap. He is so good. Thank you Jesus....)